Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

They set tofore him a platter full of coals burning, and a platter full of cherries, and bade him eat, and he took and put the hot coals in his mouth and burned his tongue, which letted his speech ever after; and thus he escaped the death.  Josephus saith that when Pharaoh would have slain him, Termuthe, his daughter, plucked him away and saved him.  Then on a time as Moses was full grown, he went to his brethren, and saw the affliction of them, and a man of Egypt smiting one of the Hebrews, his brethren.  And he looked hither and thither and saw no man.  He smote the Egyptian and slew him and hid him in the sand.  And another day he went out and found two of the Hebrews brawling and fighting together; then he said to him that did wrong:  Why smitest thou thy neighbor? which answered:  Who hath ordained thee prince and judge upon us? wilt thou slay me as thou slewest that other day an Egyptian?  Moses was afeard and said to himself:  How is this deed known and made open?  Pharaoh heard hereof and sought Moses for to slay him, which then fled from his sight and dwelled in the land of Midian, and sat there by a pit side.  The priest of Midian had seven daughters which came thither for to draw water, and to fill the vessels for to give drink to the flocks of the sheep of their father.  Then came on them the herdmen and put them from it.  Then rose Moses and defended the maidens and let them water their sheep, which then returned to their father Jethro.  And he said to them:  Why come ye now earlier than ye were wont to do?  They said that a man of Egypt hath delivered us from the hand of the herdmen, and also he drew water for us and gave to the sheep drink.  Where is he, said he, why left ye the man after you? go call him that he may eat some bread with us.  Then Moses sware that he would dwell with him.  And he took Zipporah one of his daughters aad wedded her to his wife, which conceived and bare him a son whom he called Gershom, saying:  I was a stranger in a strange land.  She brought to him forth another son whom he named Eleazar, saying:  The God of my father is my helper and hath kept me from the hand of Pharaoh.

Long time after this died the king of Egypt, and the children of Israel, wailing, made great sorrow for the oppression of their labor, and cried unto God for help.  Their cry came unto God of their works, and God heard their wailing, and remembered the promise he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our Lord beheld the children of Israel and knew them.

Moses fed the sheep of Jethro his wife’s father.  When he had brought the sheep into the innermost part of the desert he came unto the mount of God, Oreb.  Our Lord appeared to him in flame of fire in the midst of a bush, and he saw the fire in the bush, and the bush burned not.  Then said Moses, I shall go and see this great vision why the bush burneth not.  Our Lord then beholding that he went for to see it, called him, being in the bush, and said:  Moses,

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.