Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.
anon the bull died.  Then the people were all against Silvester.  Then said Silvester, believe not thou that he hath named in the ear the name of Jesu Christ, but the name of some devil, know ye verily it is no great strength to slay a bull, for a man, or a lion, or a serpent may well slay him, but it is great virtue to raise him again to life, then if he may not raise him it is by the devil.  And if he may raise him again to life, I shall believe that he is dead by the power of God.  And when the judges heard this, they said to Zambry, that had slain the bull, that he should raise him again.  Then he answered that if Silvester might raise him in the name of Jesus of Galilee his master, then he would believe in him, and thereto bound them all the Jews that were there.  And St. Silvester first made his orisons and prayers to our Lord, and sith came to the bull and said to him in his ear:  Thou cursed creature that art entered into this bull and hast slain him, go out in the name of Jesu Christ, in whose name I command thee bull, arise thou up and go thou with the other beasts debonairly, and anon the bull arose and went forth softly.  Then the queen and the judges, which were Paynims, were converted to the faith.

In this time it happed that there was at Rome a dragon in a pit, which every day slew with his breath more than three hundred men.  Then came the bishops of the idols unto the emperor and said unto him:  O thou most holy emperor, sith the time that thou hast received Christian faith the dragon which is in yonder foss or pit slayeth every day with his breath more than three hundred men.  Then sent the emperor for St. Silvester and asked counsel of him of this matter.  St. Silvester answered that by the might of God he promised to make him cease of his hurt and blessure of this people.  Then St. Silvester put himself to prayer, and St. Peter appeared to him and said:  Go surely to the dragon and the two priests that be with thee take in thy company, and when thou shalt come to him thou shalt say to him in this manner:  Our Lord Jesu Christ which was born of the Virgin Mary, crucified, buried and arose, and now sitteth on the right side of the Father, this is he that shall come to deem and judge the living and the dead, I command thee Sathanas that thou abide him in this place till he come.  Then thou shalt bind his mouth with a thread, and seal it with thy seal, wherein is the imprint of the cross.  Then thou and the two priests shall come to me whole and safe, and such bread as I shall make ready for you ye shall eat.  Thus as St. Peter had said, St. Silvester did.  And when he came to the pit, he descended down one hundred and fifty steps, bearing with him two lanterns, and found the dragon, and said the words that St. Peter had said to him, and bound his mouth with the thread, and sealed it, and after returned, and as he came upward again he met with two enchanters which followed him for to see if he descended, which were almost dead of the stench of the dragon, whom he brought

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.