Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

The brethren then, when the prison was opened, prayed Peter to go thence, and he would not, but at the last he being overcome by their prayers went away.  And when he came to the gate, as, Leo witnesseth, which is called Sancta Maria ad passus, he met Jesu Christ coming against him, and Peter said to him:  Lord, whither goest thou?  And he said to him:  I go to Rome for to be crucified again, and Peter demanded him:  Lord, shalt thou be crucified again?  And he said:  Yea, and Peter said then:  Lord, I shall return again then for to be crucified with thee.  This said, our Lord ascended into heaven, Peter beholding it, which wept sore.  And when Peter understood that our Lord had said to him of his passion, he returned, and when he came to his brethren, he told to them what our Lord had said.  And anon he was taken of the ministers of Nero and was delivered to the provost Agrippa, then was his face as clear as the sun, as it is said.  Then Agrippa said to him:  Thou art he that glorifiest in the people, and in women, that thou departest from the bed of their husbands.  Whom the apostle blamed, and said to him that he glorified in the cross of the Lord Jesu Christ.  Then Peter was commanded to be crucified as a stranger, and because that Paul was a citizen of Rome it was commanded that his head should be smitten off.  And of this sentence given against them, St. Dionysius in an epistle to Timothy saith in this wise:  O my brother Timothy, if thou hadst seen the agonies of the end of them thou shouldst have failed for heaviness and sorrow.  Who should not weep that hour when the commandment of the sentence was given against them, that Peter should be crucified and Paul be beheaded?  Thou shouldst then have seen the turbes of the Jews and of the paynims that smote them and spit in their visages.  And when the horrible time came of their end that they were departed that one from that other, they bound the pillars of the world, but that was not without wailing and weeping of the brethren.  Then said St. Paul to St. Peter:  Peace be with thee that are foundement of the church and pastor of the sheep and lambs of our Lord.  Peter then said to Paul:  Go thou in peace, preacher of good manners, mediator, leader, and solace of rightful people.  And when they were withdrawn far from other I followed my master.  They were not both slain in one street.  This saith St. Dionysius, and as Leo the pope and Marcel witness, when Peter came to the cross, he said:  When my Lord descended from heaven to the earth he was put on the cross right up, but me whom it pleaseth him to call from the earth to heaven, my cross shall show my head to the earth and address my feet to heaven, for I am not worthy to be put on the cross like as my Lord was, therefore turn my cross and crucify me my head downward.  Then they turned the cross, and fastened his feet upward and the head downward.  Then the people were angry against Nero and the provost, and would have slain them because they made St. Peter so to die; but he required them that they should not let his passion, and as Leo witnesseth, our Lord opened the eyes of them that were there, and wept so that, they saw the angels with crowns of roses and of lilies standing by Peter that was on the cross with the angels.

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.