Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Then as Marcel saith:  Simon went to the house of Marcel and bound there a great black dog at the door of the house, and said:  Now I shall see if Peter, which is accustomed to come hither, shall come, and if he come this dog shall strangle him.  And a little after that, Peter and Paul went thither, and anon Peter made the sign of the cross and unbound the hound, and the hound was as tame and meek as a lamb, and pursued none but Simon, and went to him and took and cast him to the ground under him, and would have strangled him.  And then ran Peter to him and cried upon the hound that he should not do him any harm.  And anon the hound left and touched not his body, but he all torent and tare his gown in such wise that he was almost naked.  Then all the people, and especially children, ran with the hound upon him and hunted and chased him out of the town as he had been a wolf.  Then for the reproof and shame he durst not come in to the town of all a whole year after.  Then Marcel that was disciple of Simon Magus, seeing these great miracles, came to Peter, and was from then forthon his disciple.

And after, at the end of the year, Simon returned and was received again into the amity of Nero.  And then, as Leo saith, this Simon Magus assembled the people and showed to them how he had been angered of the Galileans, and therefore he said that he would leave the city which he was wont to defend and keep, and set a day in which he would ascend into heaven, for he deigned no more to dwell in the earth.  Then on the day that he had stablished, like as he had said, he went up to an high tower, which was on the capitol, and there being crowned with laurel, threw himself out from place to place, and began to fly in the air.  Then said St. Paul to St. Peter:  It appertaineth to me to pray, and to thee for to command.  Then said Nero:  This man is very God, and ye be two traitors.  Then said St. Peter to St. Paul:  Paul, brother, lift up thine head and see how Simon flyeth.  Then St. Paul said to St. Peter when he saw him fly so high:  Peter, why tarriest thou? perform that thou hast begun, God now calleth us.  Then said Peter:  I charge and conjure you angels of Sathanas, which bear him in the air, by the name of our Lord Jesu Christ, that ye bear ne sustain him no more, but let him fall to the earth.  And anon they let him fall to the ground and brake his neck and head, and he died there forthwith.  And when Nero heard say that Simon was dead, and that he had lost such a man, he was sorrowful, and said to the apostles:  Ye have done this in despite of me, and therefore I shall destroy you by right evil example.  Haec Leo.  Then he delivered them to Paulin, which was a much noble man, and Paulin delivered them to Mamertin under the keeping of two knights, Processe and Martinian, whom St. Peter converted to the faith.  And they then opened the prison and let them all go out that would go, wherefore, after the passion of the apostles, Paulin, when he knew that they were Christian, beheaded both Processe and Martinian.

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.