Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.
like as in Christ be two substances that is of God and man, so are in this magician two substances, that is of man and of the devil.  Then said Simon Magus, as St. Marcelle and Leo witness, lest I should suffer any longer this enemy, I shall command my angels that they shall avenge me on him.  To whom Peter said:  I dread nothing thine angels, but they dread me.  Nero said:  Dreadest thou not Simon, that by certain things affirmeth his godhead?  To whom Peter said:  If dignity or godhead be in him let him tell now what I think or what I do, which thought I shall first tell to thee, that he shall not mow lie what I think.  To whom Nero said:  Come hither and say what thou thinkest.  Then Peter went to him and said to him secretly:  Command some man to bring to me a barley-loaf, and deliver it to me privily.  When it was taken to him, he blessed it, and hid it under his sleeve, and then said he:  Now Simon say what I think, and have said and done.  Simon answered:  Let Peter say what I think.  Peter answered:  What Simon thinketh that I know, I shall do it when he hath thought.  Then Simon having indignation, cried aloud:  I command that dogs come and devour him.  And suddenly there appeared great dogs and made an assault against Peter.  He gave to them of the bread that he had blessed, and suddenly he made them to flee.  Then said Peter to Nero:  Lo!  I have showed you what he thought against me, not in words but in deeds, for where he promised angels to come against me he brought dogs, thereby he showeth that he hath none angels but dogs.  Then said Simon:  Hear ye, Peter and Paul; if I may not grieve you here, ye shall come where me it shall behove to judge you.  I shall spare you here.  Haec Leo.  Then Simon Magus, as Hegesippus and Linus say, elate in pride avaunted him that he can raise dead men to life.  And it happed that there was a young man dead, and then Nero let call Peter and Simon, and all gave sentence by the will of Simon that he should be slain that might not arise the dead man to life.  Simon then, as he made his incantations upon the dead body, he was seen move his head of them that stood by; then all they cried for to stone Peter.  Peter unnethe getting silence said:  If the dead body live, let him arise, walk and speak, else know ye that it is a fantasy that the head of the dead man moveth.  Let Simon be taken from the bed.  And the body abode immovable.  Peter standing afar making his prayer cried to the dead body, saying:  Young man, arise in the name of Jesu Christ of Nazareth crucified, and anon, he arose living, and walked.  Then, when the people would have stoned Simon Magus, Peter said:  He is in pain enough, knowing him to be overcome in his heart; our master hath taught us for to do good for evil.  Then said Simon to Peter and Paul:  Yet is it not come to you that ye desire, for ye be not worthy to have martyrdom, the which answered:  That is, that we desire to have, to thee shall never be well, for thou liest all that thou sayest.

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.