Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

And after they had spoken, Raguel commanded to slay a wether, and make ready a feast.  When he then should bid them sit down to dinner, Tobias said:  I shall not eat here this day ne drink but if thou first grant to me my petition, and promise to me to give me Sara thy daughter.  Which when Raguel heard he was astonied and abashed, knowing what had fallen to seven men that tofore had wedded her, and dreaded lest it might happen to this young man in likewise.  And when he held his peace and would give him none answer the angel said to him:  Be not afeard to give thy daughter to this man dreading God, for to him thy daughter is ordained to be his wife, therefore none other may have her.  Then said Raguel:  I doubt not God hath admitted my prayers and tears in his sight, and I believe that therefore he hath made you to come to me that these may be joined in one kindred after the law of Moses, and now have no doubt but I shall give her to thee.  And he taking the right hand of his daughter delivered it to Tobias saying:  God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob be with you, and he conjoin you together and fulfil his blessing in you.  And took a charter and wrote the conscription of the wedlock.  And after this they ate, blessing our Lord God.  Raguel called to him Anna his wife and bade her to make ready another cubicle.  And she brought Sara her daughter therein, and she wept, to whom her mother said:  Be thou strong of heart, my daughter, our Lord of heaven give to thee joy for the heaviness that thou hast suffered.  After they had supped, they led the young man to her.  Tobias remembered the words of the angel, and took out of his bag part of the heart of the fish, and laid it on burning coals.  Then Raphael the angel took the devil and bound him in the upperest desert of Egypt.  Then Tobias exhorted the virgin and said to her:  Arise, Sara, and let us pray to God this day, and to-morrow, and after to-morrow, for these three nights we be joined to God.  And after the third night we shall be in our wedlock.  We be soothly the children of saints, and we may not so join together as people do that know not God.  Then they both arising prayed together instantly that health might be given to them.  Tobias said:  Lord God of our fathers, heaven and earth, sea, wells, and floods, and all creatures that be in them, bless thee.  Thou madest Adam of the slime of the earth, and gavest to him for an help Eve, and now, Lord, thou knowest that I take my sister to wife, only for the love of posterity, in which thy name be blessed world without end.  Then said Sara:  Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy, and let us wax old both together in health.  And after this the cocks began to crow, at which time Raguel commanded his servants to come to him, and they together went for to make and delve a sepulchre.  He said:  Lest haply it happen to him as it hath happed to the seven men that wedded her.  When they had made ready the foss and pit, Raguel returned to his wife and said to her:  Send one of thy

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.