Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Bible Stories and Religious Classics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 580 pages of information about Bible Stories and Religious Classics.

Then young Tobias went forth and an hound followed him.  And the first mansion [stay] that they made was by the river of Tigris, and Tobias went out for to wash his feet, and there came a great fish for to devour him, whom Tobias fearing cried out with a great voice:  Lord, he cometh on me, and the angel said to him:  Take him by the fin and draw him to thee.  And so he did and drew him out of the water to the dry land.  Then said the angel to him:  Open the fish and take to thee the heart, the gall, and the milt, and keep them by thee; they be profitable and necessary for medicines.  And when he had done so he roasted of the fish, and took it with them for to eat by the way, and the remnant they salted, that it might suffice them till they came into the city of Rages.  Then Tobias demanded of the angel and said:  I pray thee, Azarias, brother, to tell me whereto these be good that thou hast bidden me keep.  And the angel answered and said:  If thou take a little of his heart and put it on the coals, the smoke and fume thereof driveth away all manner kind of devils, be it from man or from woman, in such wise that he shall no more come to them.  And Tobias said:  Where wilt thou that we shall abide?  And he answered and said:  Hereby is a man named Raguel, a man nigh to thy kindred and tribe, and he hath a daughter named Sara, he hath neither son ne daughter more than her.  Thou shalt owe all his substance, for thee behoveth to take her to thy wife.  Then Toby answered and said:  I have heard say that she hath been given to seven men, and they be dead, and I have heard that a devil slayeth them.  I dread therefore that it might hap so to me, and I that am an only son to my father and mother, I should depose their old age with heaviness and sorrow to hell.  Then Raphael the angel said to him:  Hear me, and I shall show thee wherewith thou mayst prevail against that devil; these that took their wedlock in such wise that they exclude God from them and their mind, the devil hath power upon them.  Thou therefore when thou shalt take a wife, and enterest into her cubicle, be thou continent by the space of three days from her, and thou shalt do nothing but be in prayers with her:  and that same night put the heart of the fish on the fire, and that shall put away the devil, and after the third night thou shalt take the virgin with dread of God, that thou mayst follow the blessing of Abraham in his seed.  Then they went and entered into Raguel’s house, and Raguel received them joyously, and Raguel, beholding well Tobias, said to Anna his wife:  How like is this young man unto my cousin!  And when he had so said he asked them:  Whence be ye, young men my brethren?  And they said:  Of the tribe of Nephthalim, of the captivity of Nineveh.  Raguel said to them:  Know ye Tobit my brother?  Which said:  We know him well.  When Raguel had spoken much good of him, the angel said to Raguel:  Tobit of whom thou demandest is father of this young man.  And then went Raguel, and with weeping eyes kissed him, and weeping upon his neck said:  The blessing of God be to thee, my son, for thou art son of a blessed and good man.  And Anna his wife and Sara his daughter wept also.

Project Gutenberg
Bible Stories and Religious Classics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.