Mariana is now no more. Time and disaster have swept it from the peninsula, and to-day it remains only in the memory of the oldest inhabitants. The Stevens family, though subjected to many disasters, has grown, and become a part of the history of the country. The humble part played by Fernando in sustaining the honor of his country has never been recorded by the general historian; but it lingers in the memory of the grateful posterity of many of the heroic men and women who lived in the trying days of the early history of the Great Republic of the New World.
* * * * *
Adams, John, first minister to Court of St. James
Adams’ proposition of reciprocity rejected by England
Alabama and Arkansas organized as Territories and
Alabama becomes
a State
Alert captured by the Essex
Alexandria plundered by British
Algerians force Americans to pay tribute
American army at Detroit
Americans attacked at River Raisin
Americans return to Detroit
Americans repulsed at La Colle
American troops at Bladensburg
Attack by British on Plattsburg fails
Bainbridge forced to convey the Algerine ambassador to Constantinople
Baltimore threatened by the enemy
Barclay, Commodore, defeated at Lake Erie
Barker, Mr., warns Mrs. Madison to fly
Barron, Commodore, suspended from the navy
Battle of Bladensburg
Battle of Chicago
Battle of Chippewa
Battle of Chrysler’s Farm
Battle of Emucfau
Battle of Fort Stephenson
Battle of Horse-shoe Bend
Battle of Lake Erie
Battle of Lundy’s Lane
Battle of New Orleans
Battle of Queenstown
Battle of River Raisin
Battle of Sackett’s Harbor
Battle of the Thames and death of Tecumseh
Battle of Tippecanoe
Black Partridge saves Mrs. Helm at Chicago
Blockades of French and English
Bonaparte conquers almost all of Europe
Boerstler, General, captured at Beaver’s Dam
British agent at Pensacola offers Indians five dollars for each scalp
British arraigned by committee on foreign relations
British at Lake Borgne
British capture Washington, and burn Capitol
British discrimination in favor of New England States
British impressment of American seamen
British repulsed at Fort Erie
British instigate Indians to an uprising
Brock, General, proceeds to attack Detroit
Brown, General Jacob, at Kingston
Brown repulses Prevost at Sackett’s Harbor
Brown, General, at Lundy’s Lane