The house, says Martha Yeardley in a letter to her sister R. S., is warm and comfortable, though at best what Londoners would esteem a poor place. We feel quite satisfied with it; and when we get our garden in order, and a cow and a few chickens, it will be equal to anything that I desire in this world. To-day the snow has disappeared, and John is very busy with his garden.—(1 mo. I, 1827.)
John and Martha Yeardley did not remain long idle in their new position. In the First Month, 1827, they received a “minute” for visiting the meetings in their Monthly Meeting; and in the Second Month they commenced a tour amongst the meetings in some other parts of Yorkshire. These duties occupied them until the 19th of the Fourth Month. We may extract from the Diary recording the former of these engagements, a brief note of their visit to Ackworth School.
1 mo. 20.—Lodged at J. Harrison’s. On First and Second-day evenings had some time of religious service with the young people at the school, and felt much united in spirit to this interesting family. On Fourth-day, Robert Whitaker accompanied us to Pontefract, and we were comforted in his company, for we felt poor and weak—much like children needing fatherly care.
Among John Yeardley’s notes made during the more general visit, we meet with a memorandum which may be taken to mark a stage or era in his Christian experience. The daily record of religious exercise and feeling which is so useful to many in the hidden season of tender growth and preparation for future service, is less likely to be maintained—and, it may be, less necessary—in the meridian of life, when the time and strength are taken up with active labor.
3 mo.—I could write much as to the state of my mind, but have of late thought it safer not to record all the inward dispensations which I have to pass through. I feel strong desires to be wholly given up to serve my great Lord and Master, and that I may above all things become qualified for his service; but the baptisms through which I have to pass are many, and exceedingly trying to the natural part. Nothing will do but to rely wholly on the Divine Arm of Power for support in pure naked faith.
After John and Martha Yeardley had visited their friends at home, their minds were directed to the work which they had left uncompleted on the continent of Europe; and, on their return from the Yearly Meeting, they opened this prospect of service before the assembled church to which they belonged.