They visited the Friends and a few other persons in Guernsey and Jersey, and then proceeded to Weymouth, and on the 25th to Bristol. At Bristol and Tewkesbury they were deeply interested in the state of the meetings, and had some remarkable service in both places. Taking also Nottingham and Chesterfield in their way, and being “well satisfied in not having overrun them,” they arrived at the cottage at Burton on the 8th of the Fourth Month, having been absent about nine months.
In the retrospect, say they, of this long and arduous journey, we have this testimony unitedly to bear,—that the Arm of divine love has been underneath to support and help us; and although we have had many deep baptisms to pass through, especially when we beheld how in many places the fields are white unto harvest, and were fully sensible of our own inability to labor therein, yet He who, we trust, sent us forth was often pleased to raise us from the depth of discouragement, to rejoice in him our Saviour. If any fruits arise from our feeble efforts to promote his cause, it will be from his blessing resting upon them, for nothing can possibly be attached to us but weakness and want of faith. But, blessed be his holy name, he knew the sincerity of our endeavors to do his will, and has been pleased in his condescending mercy to fill our hearts with his enriching peace. Amen.
On their return home Martha Yeardley was attacked with a severe illness, consequent probably on hard travelling and bad accommodation during the journey.
Under date of the 18th of the Fifth Month, J.Y. writes:—
How circumstances change! Last Yearly Meeting we were in London with the prospect of a long journey before us, and now my dear Martha is on a bed of sickness, and I have myself suffered; but through all there is a degree of peaceful resignation in the belief that all is done well that the Great Master does, and that what He keeps is well kept.
Later in the day he thus continues his Diary:—
This has been a day of great trial on account of my dear Martha being much worse. My poor mind has been distressed at her weak state: I should sink under discouragement, did I not consider that He who sends affliction can support in it, and he who brings low can raise up in his own time, if it be his blessed will, to which all must be submitted.
In the Seventh Month he took her to Harrowgate, where her health became very much restored, and soon after their return they paid a religious visit to Ackworth School and to the families of Friends in Barnsley.
Some of the opportunities at Ackworth, writes John Yeardley, were seasons of much contrition of spirit; feeling deeply humbled under a sense of Divine goodness and mercy in restoring this large family to usual health after a time of deep affliction.