Freedom's Battle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Freedom's Battle.

Freedom's Battle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Freedom's Battle.

Jesus, in my humble opinion, was a prince among politicians.  He did render unto Caesar that which was Caesar’s.  He gave the devil his due.  He ever shunned him and is reported never once to have yielded to his incantations.  The politics of his time consisted in securing the welfare of the people by teaching them not to be seduced by the trinkets of the priests and the pharisees.  The latter then controlled and moulded the life of the people.  To-day the system of government is so devised as to affect every department of our life.  It threatens our very existence.  If therefore we want to conserve the welfare of the nation, we must religiously interest ourselves in the doing of the governors and exert a moral influence on them by insisting on their obeying the laws of morality.  General Dyer did produce a ‘moral effect’ by an act of butchery.  Those who are engaged in forwarding the movement of non-co-operation, hope to produce a moral effect by a process of self-denial, self-sacrifice and self-purification.  It surprises me that Sir Narayan should speak of General Dyer’s massacre in the same breath as acts of non-co-operation.  I have done my best to understand his meaning, but I am sorry to confess that I have failed.


I commend to the attention of the readers the thoughtful letter received from Miss Anne Marie Peterson.  Miss Peterson is a lady who has been in India for some years and has closely followed Indian affairs.  She is about the sever her connection with her mission for the purpose of giving herself to education that is truly national.

I have not given the letter in full.  I have omitted all personal references.  But her argument has been left entirely untouched.  The letter was not meant to be printed.  It was written just after my Vellore speech.  But it being intrinsically important, I asked the writer for her permission, which she gladly gave, for printing it.

I publish it all the more gladly in that it enables me to show that the movement of non-co-operation is neither anti-Christian nor anti-English nor anti-European.  It is a struggle between religion and irreligion, powers of light and powers of darkness.

It is my firm opinion that Europe to-day represents not the spirit of God or Christianity but the spirit of Satan.  And Satan’s successes are the greatest when he appears with the name of God on his lips.  Europe is to-day only nominally Christian.  In reality it is worshipping Mammon.  ’It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom.’  Thus really spoke Jesus Christ.  His so-called followers measure their moral progress by their material possessions.  The very national anthem of England is anti-Christian.  Jesus who asked his followers to love their enemies even as themselves, could not have sung of his enemies, ’confound his enemies

Project Gutenberg
Freedom's Battle from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.