Freedom's Battle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Freedom's Battle.

Freedom's Battle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Freedom's Battle.
pronouncement as the final answer, and if we want to stand erect before the whole world, it is impossible for a single child, man or woman in India to rest until fullest reparation has been done for the Punjab wrong.  Similarly with reference to the Khilafat grievance the Mussalmans of India in my humble opinion will forfeit all title to consider themselves the followers of the great Prophet in whose name they recite the Kalama, day in and day out, they will forfeit their title if they do not put their shoulders to the wheel and lift this cloud that is hanging on them.  But we shall make a serious blunder.  India will commit suicide, if we do not understand and appreciate the forces that are arrayed against us.  We have got to face a mighty Government with all its power ranged against us.  This composed of men who are able, courageous, capable of making sacrifices.  It is a Government which does not scruple to use means, fair or foul, in order to gain its end.  No craft is above that Government.  It resorts to frightfulness, terrorism.  It resorts to bribery, in the shape of titles, honour and high offices.  It administers opiates in the shape of Reforms.  In essence then it is an autocracy double distilled in the guise of democracy.  The greatest gift of a crafty cunning man are worthless so long as cunning resides in his heart.  It is a Government representing a civilisation which is purely material and godless.  I have given to you these qualities of this government in order not to excite your angry passions, but in order that you may appreciate the forces that are matched against you.  Anger will serve no purpose.  We shall have to meet ungodliness by godliness.  We shall have to meet their untruth by truth; we shall have to meet their cunning and their craft by openness and simplicity; we shall have to meet their terrorism and frightfulness by bravery.  And it is an unbending bravery which is demanded of every man, woman and child.  We must meet their organisation by greater organising ability.  We must meet their discipline by grater discipline, and we must meet their sacrifices by infinitely greater sacrifices, and if we are in a position to show these qualities in a full measure I have not the slightest doubt that we shall win this battle.  If really we have fear of God in us, our prayers will give us the strength to secure victory.  God has always come to the help of the helpless and we need not go before any earthly power for help.

You heard this morning of the bravery of the sword, and the bravery of suffering.  For me personally I have forever rejected the bravery of the sword.  But, to-day it is not my purpose to demonstrate to you the final ineffectiveness of the sword.  But he who runs may see that before India possesses itself a sword which will be more than a match for the forces of Europe, it will he generations.  India may resort to the destruction of life and property here and there but such destructive cases serve no purpose. 

Project Gutenberg
Freedom's Battle from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.