Freedom's Battle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Freedom's Battle.

Freedom's Battle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Freedom's Battle.
there is unanimity that the remedy is efficacious if it can be kept free from violence, and if it is adopted on a large scale.  I admit the difficulty the virtue however lies in surmounting it.  We cannot possibly combine violence with a spiritual weapon like non-co-operation.  We do not offer spotless sacrifice if we take the lives of others in offering our own.  Absolute freedom from violence is therefore it condition precedent to non-co-operation.  But I have faith in my country to know that when it has assimilated the principle of the doctrine In the fullest extent, it will respond to it.  And in no case will India make any headway whatsoever until she has learnt the lesson of self-sacrifice.  Even if this country were to take up the doctrine of the sword, which God forbid, it will have to learn the lesson of self-sacrifice.  The second difficulty suggested is the want of solidarity of the nation.  I accept it too.  But that difficulty I have already answered by saying that it is a remedy that can be taken up by individuals for individual and by the nation for national satisfaction; and therefore even if the whole nation does not take up non-co-operation, the individual successes, which may be obtained by individuals taking up non-co-operation will stand to their own credit as of the nation to which they belong.

The first stage in my humble opinion is incredibly easy inasmuch as it does not involve any very great sacrifice.  If your Khan bahadurs and other title-holders were to renounce their titles I venture to submit that whilst the renunciation will stand to the credit and honour of the nation it will involve a little or no sacrifice.  On the contrary, they will not only have surrendered no earthly riches but they will have gained the applause of the nation.  Let us see what it means, this first step.  The able editor of Hindu, Mr. Kastariranga Iyengar, and almost every journalist in the country are agreed that the renunciation of titles is a necessary and a desirable step.  And if these chosen people of the Government were without exception to surrender their titles to Government giving notice that the heart of India is doubly wounded in that the honour of India and of muslim religion is at stake and that therefore they can no longer retain their titles, I venture to suggest, that this their step which costs not a single penny either to them or to the nation will be an effective demonstration of the national will.

Take the second step or the second item of non-co-operation.  I know there is strong opposition to the boycott of councils.  The opposition when you begin to analyse it means not that the step is faulty or that it is not likely to succeed, but it is due to the belief that the whole country will not respond to it and that the Moderates will steal into the councils.  I ask the citizens of Mangalore to dispel that fear from your hearts.  United the voters of Mangalore can make it impossible for either a moderate or an

Project Gutenberg
Freedom's Battle from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.