The Bravo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about The Bravo.

The Bravo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about The Bravo.

“San Teodoro and San Marco have you in mind!” commenced the gondolier.  “If I mistake not, you are the man I am sent to meet.”

The stranger started, and first manifesting an intention to pass on quickly, he suddenly arrested the movement to reply.

“This may be so or not.  Unmask, that I may judge by thy countenance if what thou sayest be true.”

“By your good leave, most worthy and honorable Signore, and if it be equally agreeable to you and my master, I would choose to keep off the evening air by this bit of pasteboard and silk.”

“Here are none to betray thee, wert thou naked as at thy birth.  Unless certain of thy character, in what manner may I confide in thy honesty?”

“I have no distrust of the virtues of an undisguised face, Signore, and therefore do I invite you, yourself, to exhibit what nature has done for you in the way of features, that I, who am to make the confidence, be sure it be to the right person.”

“This is well, and gives assurance of thy prudence.  I may not unmask, however; and as there seemeth little probability of our coming to an understanding, I will go my way.  A most happy night to thee.”

“Cospetto!—­Signore, you are far too quick in your ideas and movements for one little used to negotiations of this sort.  Here is a ring whose signet may help us to understand each other.”

The stranger took the jewel, and holding the stone in a manner to receive the light of the moon, he started in a manner to betray both surprise and pleasure.

“This is the falcon crest of the Neapolitan—­he that is the lord of Sant’ Agata!”

“And of many other fiefs, good Signore, to say nothing of the honors he claims in Venice.  Am I right in supposing my errand with you?”

“Thou hast found one whose present business has no other object than Don Camillo Monforte.  But thy errand was not solely to exhibit the signet?”

“So little so, that I have a packet here which waits only for a certainty of the person with whom I speak, to be placed into his hands.”

The stranger mused a moment; then glancing a look about him, he answered hurriedly—­

“This is no place to unmask, friend, even though we only wear our disguises in pleasantry.  Tarry here, and at my return I will conduct thee to a more fitting spot.”

The words were scarcely uttered when Gino found himself standing in the middle of the court alone.  The masked stranger had passed swiftly on, and was at the bottom of the Giant’s Stairs ere the gondolier had time for reflection.  He ascended with a light and rapid step, and without regarding the halberdier, he approached the first of three or four orifices which opened into the wall of the palace, and which, from the heads of the animal being carved in relief around them, had become famous as the receptacles of secret accusations under the name of the Lion’s Mouths.  Something he dropped into the grinning aperture of the marble, though what, the distance and the obscurity of the gallery prevented Gino from perceiving; and then his form was seen gliding like a phantom down the flight of massive steps.

Project Gutenberg
The Bravo from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.