The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21.

The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21.

During the night, as our watches showed it to be, three of our men went around the camp in a circle 10 geographical miles (11.6 statute miles) in diameter and erected cairns, while the other two men remained in the tent and made hourly astronomical observations of the sun.  These gave 89 deg. 55’ S. We might well have been satisfied with this result, but we had time to spare and the weather was fine.  Why should we not try to make our observations at the Pole itself?  On December 16th, therefore, we transported our tent the remaining 5-3/4 miles to the south and camped there.  We arranged everything as comfortably as possible in order to make a round of observations during the twenty-four hours.  The altitude was measured every hour by four men with the sextant and artificial horizon.  These observations will be worked out at the University of Christiania.  This tent camp served as the center of a circle which we drew with a radius of 5-1/6 miles [on the circumference of which] cairns were erected.  A small tent, which we had brought with us in order to designate the South Pole, was put up here and the Norwegian flag with the pennant of the Fram was hoisted above it.  This Norwegian home received the name of “Polheim.”  According to the observed weather conditions, this tent may remain there for a long time.  In it we left a letter addressed to His Majesty, King Haakon VII, in which we reported what we had done.  The next person to come there will take the letter with him and see to its delivery.  In addition, we left there several pieces of clothing, a sextant, an artificial horizon, and a hypsometer.

On December 17th we were ready to return.  On our journey to the Pole we had covered 863 miles, according to the measurements of the odometer; our mean daily marches were therefore 15 miles.  When we left the Pole we had three sleds and seventeen dogs.  We now experienced the great satisfaction of being able to increase our daily rations, a measure which previous expeditions had not been able to carry out, as they were all forced to reduce their rations, and that at an early date.  For the dogs, too, the rations were increased, and from time to time they received one of their comrades as additional food.  The fresh meat revived the dogs and undoubtedly contributed to the good results of the expedition.

One last glance, one last adieu, we sent back to “Polheim.”  Then we resumed our journey.  We still see the flag; it still waves to us.  Gradually it diminishes in size and finally entirely disappears from our sight.  A last greeting to the Little Norway lying at the South Pole!

We left King Haakon VII Plateau, which lay there bathed in sunshine, as we had found it on our outward journey.  The mean temperature during our sojourn there was—­13 deg.  Centigrade.  It seemed, however, as though the weather was much milder.

I shall not tire you by a detailed description of our return, but shall limit myself to some of the interesting episodes.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.