The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21.

The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21.

Two hours after we were in peaceable possession of the property, the same two Russian vice-consuls drove up to the gate and began insulting and abusing the Persian Treasury guards, endeavoring, of course, to provoke the gendarmes into some act against them.  In other words, finding that they had lost in the matter of retaining possession of the property, these Russian officials deliberately sought to provoke my gendarmes into something that they could construe as an affront to Russian consular authority.  The men, however, had received such strict and repeated instructions that they refused even to answer.  They paid no attention to the taunts and abuse of these two dignified Russian officials, who thereupon drove off and perjured themselves to the effect that they had been affronted—­in other words, that the incident which they had gone there to provoke actually had occurred.  These false statements were reported to St. Petersburg by M. Pokhitanow independently of his minister, who, I have the strongest reason to believe, entirely disavowed the Consul-General’s actions.  The Russian government thereupon publicly discredited its minister and demanded from the Persian government an immediate apology for something that had never occurred.  The apology, after some hesitation, was made on the advice of the British government.  It was hoped that this evident self-abasement by Persia would appease even the Russian bureaucracy.

But it now seems that a compliance with Russia’s demand was exactly what was not desired by her, since it removed all possible pretext for taking more drastic steps against Persia’s national existence.  Hence, at the very moment when the Persian Foreign Minister, in full uniform, was at the Russian legation complying with this first ultimatum, based, as it was, on absolutely false reports, the St. Petersburg cabinet was formulating new and even more unjust and absurd demands, which, as some of the public know, have resulted in the expulsion of the fifteen American finance officials and in the destruction of the last vestiges of constitutional government in the empire of Cyrus and Darius.

Russia called for my immediate dismissal from the post of Treasurer-General; she required that my fourteen American assistants already in Persia should be subject to the approval of the British and Russian legations at Teheran; that all other foreign officials in future employed by Persia be subjected to the approval of those two legations; that a large indemnity should be paid to Russia for the expense of moving her troops into Persia to hasten the acceptance of these two ultimatums; and that all other questions between Russia and Persia should be settled to the satisfaction of the former.

The acceptance by Persia of these demands meant, of course, a virtual cession of her sovereignty to Russia and Great Britain.  It should be noted, also, that in this Russian ultimatum the name of the British government was freely used, although the British minister took no part in the presentation of the same.  Sir Edward Grey was subsequently asked in the British Parliament as to this point, and explained, in effect, that he agreed with the Russian demands, with the possible exception of the indemnity.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.