The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21.

The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21.
complete change of tendencies which at present seem as strong as ever, the French race as we now know it will have ceased to exist, swamped without the firing, may be, of a single shot, by the Germans, Belgians, English, Italians, and Jews.  There are to-day in France more Germans than there are Frenchmen in all the colonies that France has acquired in the last half-century, and German trade with France outweighs enormously the trade of France with all French colonies.  France is to-day a better colony for the Germans than they could make of any exotic colony which France owns.

“They tell me,” said a French Deputy recently (in a not quite original mot), “that the Germans are at Agadir.  I know they are in the Champs-Elysees.”  Which, of course, is in reality a much more serious matter.

And those Frenchmen who regret this disappearance of their race, and declare that the energy and blood and money which is now poured out so lavishly in Africa and in Asia ought to be diverted to its arrest, to the colonization and development of France by better social, industrial, commercial, and political organization, to the resisting of the exploitation of the mother country by inflowing masses of foreigners, are declared to be bad patriots, dead to the sentiment of the flag, dead to the call of the bugle, are silenced in fact by a fustian as senseless and mischievous as that which in some marvelous way the politician, hypnotized by the old formulae, has managed to make pass as “patriotism” in most countries.

The French, like their neighbors, are not interested in the Germans of the Champs-Elysees, but only in the Germans at Agadir:  and it is for these latter that the diplomats fight, and the war budgets swell.

And from that silent and pacific expansion, which means so much both negatively and positively, attention is diverted to the banging of the war drum, and the dancing of the patriotic dervishes.

And on the other side we are to assume that Germany has during the period of France’s expansion—­since the war—­not expanded at all.  That she has been throttled and cramped—­that she has not had her place in the sun:  and that is why she must fight for it and endanger the security of her neighbors.

Well, I put it to you again that all this in reality is false:  that Germany has not been cramped or throttled; that, on the contrary, as we recognize when we get away from the mirage of the map, her expansion has been the wonder of the world.  She has added 20,000,000 to her population—­one-half the present population of France—­during a period in which the French population has actually diminished.  Of all the nations in Europe, she has cut the biggest swath in the development of world trade, industry, and influence.  Despite the fact that she has not “expanded” in the sense of mere political dominion, a proportion of her population, equivalent to the white population of the whole colonial British Empire, make their living, or the best part of it, from the development and exploitation of territory outside her borders.  These facts are not new, they have been made the text of thousands of political sermons preached in England itself during the last few years; but one side of their significance seems to have been missed.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 21 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.