Miss Prudence eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 417 pages of information about Miss Prudence.

Miss Prudence eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 417 pages of information about Miss Prudence.

“I had not had a charge for three years then.  I was so continually called to help other pastors that I had no time for a charge of my own.  So it kept on for months and months; her father was not willing, and she would not marry me without his consent.  My sister often said to me, ’I don’t see how you can want to marry a woman that isn’t willing to have you,’ but I kept my own counsel.  I knew the matter was in safe hands.  I was not at all troubled; I kept about my Master’s business and he kept about mine.  Therefore, when she wrote to say that suddenly and unexpectedly her father had withdrawn all opposition, I was not in the least surprised.  My sister declared I was plucky to hold on, but the Lord held on for me; I felt as if I had nothing to do with it.  And a better wife and mother God never blessed one of his servants with.  She could do something beside read the Bible in Hebrew; she could practice it in English.  For forty years [missing text] my companion and counsellor and dearest friend.  So you see”—­he added in his bright, convincing voice, “we may know the will of the Lord about such things and everything else.”

“I believe it,” responded Marjorie’s mother, emphatically.

“Now tell me about all the young people in your village.  How many have you that are unconverted?”

Was Hollis one of them?  Marjorie wondered with a beating heart.  Would Evangelist talk to him?  Would he kiss him, and give him a smile, and bid him God speed?

But—­she began to doubt—­perhaps there was another Evangelist and this was not the very one in Pilgrim’s Progress; somehow, he did not seem just like that one.  Might she dare ask him?  How would she say it?  Before she was aware her thought had become a spoken thought; in the interval of quiet while her mother was counting the young people in the village she was very much astonished to hear her own timid, bold, little voice inquire: 

“Is there more than one Evangelist?”

“Why, yes, child,” her mother answered absently and Evangelist began to tell her about some of the evangelists he was acquainted with.

“Wonderful men!  Wonderful men!” he repeated.

Before another question could form itself on her eager lips her father entered and gave the stranger a cordial welcome.

“We have to thank scarlet fever at the Parsonage for the pleasure of your visit with us, I believe,” he said.

“Yes, that seems to be the bright side of the trouble.”

“Well, I hope you have brought a blessing with you.”

“I hope I have!  I prayed the Lord not to bring me here unless he came with me.”

“I think the hush of the Spirit’s presence has been in our church all winter,” said Mrs. West.  “I’ve had no rest day or night pleading for our young people.”

The words filled Marjorie with a great awe; she slipped out to unburden herself to Linnet, but Linnet was setting the tea-table in a frolicsome mood and Marjorie’s heart could not vent itself upon a frolicsome listener.

Project Gutenberg
Miss Prudence from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.