The Glands Regulating Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about The Glands Regulating Personality.

The Glands Regulating Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about The Glands Regulating Personality.

“Face rounded, moon-like, chubby, devoid of hair.  Eyes puffed.  Lips protruding and fleshy.  Cheeks round and thick.  Nose little developed.  Skin thick and of clear color.  Disproportion between the size of head and body.  Hair of scalp fine.  Brows and lashes scarce, trunk elongated and cylindrical.  Limbs thick and plump, tapering from the root to the extremities.  Good fat layers over the entire body.  Reproductive organs those of a little boy.  Infantile mental state:  light-heartedness, naivete, timidity, easily evoked tears and laughter, promptly aroused but fugitive wrath:  excessive tenderness, but unreasonable dislikes.”

An almost wholly mental infantiloid state or one purely physical may occur.  Certain rather large Tom Thumbs belong to the group.  In everyday life we see doll creatures, overgrown children, on every hand.  Mental measurements of any large group of population reveal a remarkable percentage of it as below the mental age of 12.  Juvenile traits and juvenile mind, separate or combined, should always suggest the possibility of the infantiloid constitution of one type of thymocentric also.

The eunuchoid or feminoid personality is also found often among artists.  One must carefully distinguish the two because the ensemble of characteristics of the one may easily stimulate the other.  Yet fundamentally they are as far apart as the poles.  The infantiloid type never rises above the subnormal, which is its habitat, while the feminoid type (or masculinoid, in woman) often produces an abnormal personality which rises above the normal.  The infantiloids become the slaves and the weaklings of society, the Mark Tapleys, and the Tom Pinches, while the eunuchoids have created splendid literature and immortal music.

The life reactions, and especially the sex reactions of the gonado-centric, are as complex and difficult as those of the thymo-centric.  Straightforward homosexuality and the eunuchoid constitution have always been intimate.  The homosexuality of the thymo-centric is more subtle and disguised, often buried under the stronger masculine component of the personality.

Homosexuality as a cult has appeared correlated with the production of the functional hermaphrodite by artificially creating the eunuchoid type of constitution.  Among the Aztecs, homosexuals were produced in quantity for religious purposes by a deliberate fostering of the eunuchoid constitution.  They called them the Mujerados.  Their method consisted in making a healthy man ride horseback constantly, until an irritable weakness of the reproductive organs ensued, and a paralytic impotence followed.  The exhausted testes would then atrophy, and the voice ring falsetto, muscular tone and energy diminish, inclinations and habits become feminine.  The Mujerado lost his position in society as a man, assumed female clothing, manners and customs, and to all intents and purposes was treated as a woman.  Their large breasts were said to be capable of lactation.  Their only reward was the high honor paid them as religious consecrates.

Project Gutenberg
The Glands Regulating Personality from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.