Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.
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Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.

We lived, at first, rather a busy life at Bleak House, for we had to become acquainted with many residents in and out of the neighbourhood who knew Mr. Jarndyce.  It seemed to Ada and me that everybody knew him who wanted to do anything with anybody else’s money.  It amazed us when we began to sort his letters and to answer some of them for him in the growlery of a morning to find how the great object of the lives of nearly all his correspondents appeared to be to form themselves into committees for getting in and laying out money.  The ladies were as desperate as the gentlemen; indeed, I think they were even more so.  They threw themselves into committees in the most impassioned manner and collected subscriptions with a vehemence quite extraordinary.  It appeared to us that some of them must pass their whole lives in dealing out subscription-cards to the whole post-office directory—­ shilling cards, half-crown cards, half-sovereign cards, penny cards.  They wanted everything.  They wanted wearing apparel, they wanted linen rags, they wanted money, they wanted coals, they wanted soup, they wanted interest, they wanted autographs, they wanted flannel, they wanted whatever Mr. Jarndyce had—­or had not.  Their objects were as various as their demands.  They were going to raise new buildings, they were going to pay off debts on old buildings, they were going to establish in a picturesque building (engraving of proposed west elevation attached) the Sisterhood of Mediaeval Marys, they were going to give a testimonial to Mrs. Jellyby, they were going to have their secretary’s portrait painted and presented to his mother-in-law, whose deep devotion to him was well known, they were going to get up everything, I really believe, from five hundred thousand tracts to an annuity and from a marble monument to a silver tea-pot.  They took a multitude of titles.  They were the Women of England, the Daughters of Britain, the Sisters of all the cardinal virtues separately, the Females of America, the Ladies of a hundred denominations.  They appeared to be always excited about canvassing and electing.  They seemed to our poor wits, and according to their own accounts, to be constantly polling people by tens of thousands, yet never bringing their candidates in for anything.  It made our heads ache to think, on the whole, what feverish lives they must lead.

Among the ladies who were most distinguished for this rapacious benevolence (if I may use the expression) was a Mrs. Pardiggle, who seemed, as I judged from the number of her letters to Mr. Jarndyce, to be almost as powerful a correspondent as Mrs. Jellyby herself.  We observed that the wind always changed when Mrs. Pardiggle became the subject of conversation and that it invariably interrupted Mr. Jarndyce and prevented his going any farther, when he had remarked that there were two classes of charitable people; one, the people who did a little and made a great deal of noise; the other, the people who did a great deal and made no noise at all.  We were therefore curious to see Mrs. Pardiggle, suspecting her to be a type of the former class, and were glad when she called one day with her five young sons.

Project Gutenberg
Bleak House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.