Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.
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Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.

“And that was like me!” observes the penitent trooper, shaking his head.  “Like me, I know.”

“Silence!  The old girl,” says Mr. Bagnet, “is correct—­in her way of giving my opinions—­hear me out!”

“That was when you never ought to have asked for the security, George, and when you never ought to have got it, all things considered.  But what’s done can’t be undone.  You are always an honourable and straightforward fellow, as far as lays in your power, though a little flighty.  On the other hand, you can’t admit but what it’s natural in us to be anxious with such a thing hanging over our heads.  So forget and forgive all round, George.  Come!  Forget and forgive all round!”

Mrs. Bagnet, giving him one of her honest hands and giving her husband the other, Mr. George gives each of them one of his and holds them while he speaks.

“I do assure you both, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to discharge this obligation.  But whatever I have been able to scrape together has gone every two months in keeping it up.  We have lived plainly enough here, Phil and I. But the gallery don’t quite do what was expected of it, and it’s not—­in short, it’s not the mint.  It was wrong in me to take it?  Well, so it was.  But I was in a manner drawn into that step, and I thought it might steady me, and set me up, and you’ll try to overlook my having such expectations, and upon my soul, I am very much obliged to you, and very much ashamed of myself.”  With these concluding words, Mr. George gives a shake to each of the hands he holds, and relinquishing them, backs a pace or two in a broad-chested, upright attitude, as if he had made a final confession and were immediately going to be shot with all military honours.

“George, hear me out!” says Mr. Bagnet, glancing at his wife.  “Old girl, go on!”

Mr. Bagnet, being in this singular manner heard out, has merely to observe that the letter must be attended to without any delay, that it is advisable that George and he should immediately wait on Mr. Smallweed in person, and that the primary object is to save and hold harmless Mr. Bagnet, who had none of the money.  Mr. George, entirely assenting, puts on his hat and prepares to march with Mr. Bagnet to the enemy’s camp.

“Don’t you mind a woman’s hasty word, George,” says Mrs. Bagnet, patting him on the shoulder.  “I trust my old Lignum to you, and I am sure you’ll bring him through it.”

The trooper returns that this is kindly said and that he will bring Lignum through it somehow.  Upon which Mrs. Bagnet, with her cloak, basket, and umbrella, goes home, bright-eyed again, to the rest of her family, and the comrades sally forth on the hopeful errand of mollifying Mr. Smallweed.

Whether there are two people in England less likely to come satisfactorily out of any negotiation with Mr. Smallweed than Mr. George and Mr. Matthew Bagnet may be very reasonably questioned.  Also, notwithstanding their martial appearance, broad square shoulders, and heavy tread, whether there are within the same limits two more simple and unaccustomed children in all the Smallweedy affairs of life.  As they proceed with great gravity through the streets towards the region of Mount Pleasant, Mr. Bagnet, observing his companion to be thoughtful, considers it a friendly part to refer to Mrs. Bagnet’s late sally.

Project Gutenberg
Bleak House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.