Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.
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Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.

Sir Leicester snorts a little to hear the law laid down in this way, but in his honour and his love of truth, he freely, though silently, admits the justice of the ironmaster’s proposition.

“Pardon me for saying what is so obvious, but I wouldn’t have it hastily supposed,” with the least turn of his eyes towards Sir Leicester, “that I am ashamed of my mother’s position here, or wanting in all just respect for Chesney Wold and the family.  I certainly may have desired—­I certainly have desired, Lady Dedlock —­that my mother should retire after so many years and end her days with me.  But as I have found that to sever this strong bond would be to break her heart, I have long abandoned that idea.”

Sir Leicester very magnificent again at the notion of Mrs. Rouncewell being spirited off from her natural home to end her days with an ironmaster.

“I have been,” proceeds the visitor in a modest, clear way, “an apprentice and a workman.  I have lived on workman’s wages, years and years, and beyond a certain point have had to educate myself.  My wife was a foreman’s daughter, and plainly brought up.  We have three daughters besides this son of whom I have spoken, and being fortunately able to give them greater advantages than we have had ourselves, we have educated them well, very well.  It has been one of our great cares and pleasures to make them worthy of any station.”

A little boastfulness in his fatherly tone here, as if he added in his heart, “even of the Chesney Wold station.”  Not a little more magnificence, therefore, on the part of Sir Leicester.

“All this is so frequent, Lady Dedlock, where I live, and among the class to which I belong, that what would be generally called unequal marriages are not of such rare occurrence with us as elsewhere.  A son will sometimes make it known to his father that he has fallen in love, say, with a young woman in the factory.  The father, who once worked in a factory himself, will be a little disappointed at first very possibly.  It may be that he had other views for his son.  However, the chances are that having ascertained the young woman to be of unblemished character, he will say to his son, ’I must be quite sure you are in earnest here.  This is a serious matter for both of you.  Therefore I shall have this girl educated for two years,’ or it may be, ’I shall place this girl at the same school with your sisters for such a time, during which you will give me your word and honour to see her only so often.  If at the expiration of that time, when she has so far profited by her advantages as that you may be upon a fair equality, you are both in the same mind, I will do my part to make you happy.’  I know of several cases such as I describe, my Lady, and I think they indicate to me my own course now.”

Sir Leicester’s magnificence explodes.  Calmly, but terribly.

“Mr. Rouncewell,” says Sir Leicester with his right hand in the breast of his blue coat, the attitude of state in which he is painted in the gallery, “do you draw a parallel between Chesney Wold and a—­” Here he resists a disposition to choke, “a factory?”

Project Gutenberg
Bleak House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.