Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.
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Bleak House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,334 pages of information about Bleak House.

“Miss Flite,” said Mr. Woodcourt in a grave kind of voice, as if he were appealing to her while speaking to us, and laying his hand gently on her arm, “Miss Flite describes her illness with her usual accuracy.  She was alarmed by an occurrence in the house which might have alarmed a stronger person, and was made ill by the distress and agitation.  She brought me here in the first hurry of the discovery, though too late for me to be of any use to the unfortunate man.  I have compensated myself for that disappointment by coming here since and being of some small use to her.”

“The kindest physician in the college,” whispered Miss Flite to me.  “I expect a judgment.  On the day of judgment.  And shall then confer estates.”

“She will be as well in a day or two,” said Mr. Woodcourt, looking at her with an observant smile, “as she ever will be.  In other words, quite well of course.  Have you heard of her good fortune?”

“Most extraordinary!” said Miss Flite, smiling brightly.  “You never heard of such a thing, my dear!  Every Saturday, Conversation Kenge or Guppy (clerk to Conversation K.) places in my hand a paper of shillings.  Shillings.  I assure you!  Always the same number in the paper.  Always one for every day in the week.  Now you know, really!  So well-timed, is it not?  Ye-es!  From whence do these papers come, you say?  That is the great question.  Naturally.  Shall I tell you what I think?  I think,” said Miss Flite, drawing herself back with a very shrewd look and shaking her right forefinger in a most significant manner, “that the Lord Chancellor, aware of the length of time during which the Great Seal has been open (for it has been open a long time!), forwards them.  Until the judgment I expect is given.  Now that’s very creditable, you know.  To confess in that way that he is a little slow for human life.  So delicate!  Attending court the other day—­I attend it regularly, with my documents—­I taxed him with it, and he almost confessed.  That is, I smiled at him from my bench, and he smiled at me from his bench.  But it’s great good fortune, is it not?  And Fitz-Jarndyce lays the money out for me to great advantage.  Oh, I assure you to the greatest advantage!”

I congratulated her (as she addressed herself to me) upon this fortunate addition to her income and wished her a long continuance of it.  I did not speculate upon the source from which it came or wonder whose humanity was so considerate.  My guardian stood before me, contemplating the birds, and I had no need to look beyond him.

“And what do you call these little fellows, ma’am?” said he in his pleasant voice.  “Have they any names?”

“I can answer for Miss Flite that they have,” said I, “for she promised to tell us what they were.  Ada remembers?”

Ada remembered very well.

“Did I?” said Miss Flite.  “Who’s that at my door?  What are you listening at my door for, Krook?”

Project Gutenberg
Bleak House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.