The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 1.

The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 540 pages of information about The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 1.

[Flings away his sword.]

OSWALD Nay, I have done with you: 
              We’ll lead him to the Convent.  He shall live,
              And she shall love him.  With unquestioned title
              He shall be seated in his Barony,
              And we too chant the praise of his good deeds. 
              I now perceive we do mistake our masters,
              And most despise the men who best can teach us: 
              Henceforth it shall be said that bad men only
              Are brave:  Clifford is brave; and that old Man
              Is brave.
      [Taking MARMADUKE’S sword and giving it to him.]
                        To Clifford’s arms he would have led
              His Victim—­haply to this desolate house.

MARMADUKE (advancing to the dungeon)
              It must be ended!—­

OSWALD Softly; do not rouse him;
              He will deny it to the last.  He lies
              Within the Vault, a spear’s length to the left.
   [MARMADUKE descends to the dungeon.]
     (Alone.) The Villains rose in mutiny to destroy me;
              I could have quelled the Cowards, but this Stripling
              Must needs step in, and save my life.  The look
              With which he gave the boon—­I see it now! 
              The same that tempted me to loathe the gift.—­
              For this old venerable Grey-beard—­faith
              ’Tis his own fault if he hath got a face
              Which doth play tricks with them that look on it: 
              ’Twas this that put it in my thoughts—­that countenance—­
              His staff—­his figure—­Murder!—­what, of whom? 
              We kill a worn-out horse, and who but women
              Sigh at the deed?  Hew down a withered tree,
              And none look grave but dotards.  He may live
              To thank me for this service.  Rainbow arches,
              Highways of dreaming passion, have too long,
              Young as he is, diverted wish and hope
              From the unpretending ground we mortals tread;—­
              Then shatter the delusion, break it up
              And set him free.  What follows?  I have learned
              That things will work to ends the slaves o’ the world
              Do never dream of.  I have been what he—­
              This Boy—­when he comes forth with bloody hands—­
              Might envy, and am now,—­but he shall know
              What I am now—­
        [Goes and listens at the dungeon.]
                                 Praying or parleying?—­tut! 
              Is he not eyeless?  He has been half-dead
              These fifteen years—­

[Enter female Beggar with two or three of her Companions.]

(Turning abruptly.) Ha! speak—­what Thing art thou? 
(Recognises her.) Heavens! my good friend! [To her.]

Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.