What Germany Thinks eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about What Germany Thinks.

What Germany Thinks eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 275 pages of information about What Germany Thinks.

[Footnote 57:  Leifziger Volkszeitung, Supplement I., August 7th.  Here we have proof that Germany allowed armed civilians to murder supposed Frenchmen, a fact to be remembered when weighing Germany’s accusations against Belgian civilians.  The German Government has published a White Book (328 quarto pages) during the summer, 1915, indicting Belgian civilians with all kinds of atrocities.  Waiving the point that if Germany first laid aside international law she had no right to expect Belgium to respect its dictates, it may be safely assumed that the evidence cited by the Germans is of little or no value.  The oath which German soldiers are compelled to take precludes the possibility that they would or could give evidence which reflected on the conduct of the German army either in peace or war, even if the evidence is absolutely true.  “In the interests of military discipline” the truth must be suppressed.  The same oath is, however, proof that the German soldier must be prepared to lay down either his life or his honour in defence of the army, and in a later chapter irrefutable evidence from German sources will be adduced to show that the White Book in question contains “sworn lies” emanating from members of the German army.]

In its issue for August 11th the same newspaper gave the names of four more victims who had been shot in Westphalia.  Among them was a poor woman of weak intellect; she was near a bridge, and failing to comply with a sentry’s challenge, was shot.  The bullet passed through her leg and killed a little girl who was working near her.

Wolff’s Bureau in Berlin reports:  “In spite of the most urgent appeals which the Army Direction has issued during the last few days, begging the public not to place hindrances in the way of motor-cars, blundering mistakes are still being made every hour in all parts of Germany, accompanied by the most serious consequences.

“The morning papers again contain reports of gold-motors having been captured.  There are neither gold-motors nor foreign motors in Germany.  Anyone who interferes with motor traffic is committing a sin against the army."[58]

[Footnote 58:  Leipziger Volkszeitung, August 10th.]

Another warning appeared in all the papers of August 12th in a still more imperative form.  Yet a section of the public seemed to find a source of humour in this tragic hunt.  A correspondent of the Berliner Tageblatt gave an interesting report of his motor-ride (joy-ride?) from Lindau to Munich.

“We were hardly two kilometres out of Lindau when we were stopped by a barricade of hay-wagons.  On each side peasants stood with threatening mien, armed with pitchforks, revolvers and ancient carbines at full-cock.  ‘Hands up!’ First visitation; we show our papers, everything in order.  Off again.

“About every two kilometres this scene was repeated:  road jammed with huge, long wagons, the same excitement, the same discussion, but now and then somewhat sharper.  In some villages the duty to defend the Fatherland has turned into madness.

Project Gutenberg
What Germany Thinks from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.