“I am glad to receive you,” he said. “It will be among the most memorable incidents of my reign that I welcome to my Court the first visitor from another world, or,” he added, after a sudden pause, and with an inflection of unmistakable irony in his tone, “the first who has descended to our world from a height to which no balloon could reach and at which no balloonist could live.”
“I am honoured, Prince,” I replied, “in the notice of a greater potentate than the greatest of my own world.”
These compliments exchanged, the Prince at once proceeded to more practical matters, aptly, however, connecting his next sentence with the formal phrases preceding it.
“Nevertheless, you have not shown excessive respect for my power in the person of one of my greatest officers. If you treated the princes of Earth as unceremoniously as the Regent of Elcavoo, I can understand that you found it convenient to place yourself beyond their reach.”
I thought that this speech afforded me an opportunity of repairing my offence with the least possible loss of dignity.
“The proudest of Earthly princes,” I replied, “would, I think, have pardoned the roughness which forgot the duty of a subject in the first obligations of humanity. No Sovereign whom I have served, but would have forgiven me more readily for rough words spoken at such a moment, than for any delay or slackness in saving the life of a woman in danger under his own eyes. Permit me to take this opportunity of apologizing to the Regent in your presence, and assuring him that I was influenced by no disrespect to him, but only by overpowering terror for another.”