Were we to pass, Inferior might on ours;
Or in the full creation leave a void,
Where, one step broken, the great scale’s destroyed:
From nature’s chain whatever link you strike,
Tenth, or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike.
And, if each system in gradation roll
Alike essential to th’ amazing whole,
The least confusion but in one, not all
That system only, but the whole must fall.
Let earth unbalanced from her orbit fly,
Planets and suns run lawless through the sky;
Let ruling angels from their spheres be hurled,
Being on being wrecked, and world on world;
Heaven’s whole foundations to their centre nod,
And nature tremble to the throne of God.
All this dread order break—for whom? for thee?
Vile worm!—Oh, madness! pride! impiety!
What if the foot, ordained the dust to
Or hand, to toil, aspired to be the head?
What if the head, the eye, or ear repined
To serve mere engines to the ruling mind?
Just as absurd for any part to claim
To be another, in this general frame;
Just as absurd, to mourn the tasks or
The great directing Mind of all ordains.
All are but parts of one stupendous whole,
Whose body nature is, and God the soul;
That, changed through all, and yet in
all the same;
Great in the earth, as in th’ ethereal
Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze,
Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the
Lives through all life, extends through
all extent,
Spreads undivided, operates unspent;
Breathes in our soul, informs our mortal
As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart;
As full, as perfect, in vile man that
As the rapt seraph that adores and burns:
To him no high, no low, no great, no small;
He fills, he bounds, connects, and equals
Cease then, nor order imperfection name:
Our proper bliss depends on what we blame.
Know thy own point: this kind, this
due degree
Of blindness, weakness, Heaven bestows
on thee.
Submit.—In this, or any other
Secure to be as blest as thou canst bear:
Safe in the hand of one disposing Power,
Or in the natal, or the mortal hour.
All nature is but art, unknown to thee;
All chance, direction, which thou canst
not see;
All discord, harmony not understood;
All partial evil, universal good:
And, spite of pride, in erring reason’s
One truth is clear, Whatever is, is