Tittlin’, whispering.
Tochelod, dowered? dipped?
Tod, fox.
Tout, toot, blast.
Tow, rope.
Townmond, twelvemonth.
Towsie, shaggy.
Toy, cap.
Transmugrify’d, changed, metamorphosed.
Tryste, appointment, fair.
Twa, tway, two.
Tyke, cur, dog.
Unco, uncommon, very.
Uncos, news, wonders.
Unfald, unfold.
Ungentle, mean.
Unhailie, unhappy.
Unkend, unknown, disregarded.
Usquabae, whiskey.
Vauntie, proud.
Vera, verra, very.
Vest, robe.
View, appearance.
Virgine, the Virgin (in the zodiac).
Wabster, weaver.
Wad, would.
Wae, woe, sad.
Waff, stray, wandering.
Wale, choice.
Wark, work.
Warld, world.
Warlock, wizard.
Wa’s, walls.
Water-fit, river’s mouth.
Waught, draught.
Wauking, waking.
Wawlie, goodly.
Wear up, gather in.
Wede, passed, faded.
Weede, attire.
Weel, well.
Weel-hained, carefully saved.
Ween, believe.
Weet, wet.
Weir, war.
Wha, who.
Wham, whom.
Whang, large piece, slice.
Whare, where.
Whase, whose.
Whestling, whistling.
Whig-mig-morum, talking politics.
Whinging, whining.
Whunstane, hard rock, millstone.
Whyles, sometimes.
Winna, will not.
Winnock-bunker, window-seat.
Woddie, woody.
Wonner, wonder.
Woo, wool.
Wood, mad
Wordy, worthy.
Wrack, wreck.
Wraith, spectre.
Wrang, wrong.
Wyle, lure, entice.
Yanne, than.
Yatte, that.
Yolent, blended.
Yer, your.
Yestreen, last night.
Yill, ale.
Ymolten, molted.
Yunutile, useless.
Younkers, youngsters.
Yites, its.