English Poets of the Eighteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about English Poets of the Eighteenth Century.

English Poets of the Eighteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about English Poets of the Eighteenth Century.

Na, nae, no, not. 
Naething, nothing. 
Naig, nag. 
Nappy, ale. 
Ne, no. 
Neebor, neighbour. 
Neidher, neither. 
Neist, next. 
Nesh, tender. 
Nete, night, naught. 
Neuk, nook, corner. 
Niffer, exchange. 
No, not.

Onie, ony, any. 
Ouphant, elfin. 
Owr, owre, ower, over.

Paidle, paddle, wade. 
Pall, appal. 
Pang, cram. 
Parritch, porridge. 
Pattle, plough-staff. 
Peed, pied. 
Pencte, painted. 
Penny-wheep, small beer. 
Peres, pears. 
Perishe, destroy. 
Pet, be in a pet. 
Pheeres, mates. 
Pint-stowp, two-Quart measure, flagon. 
Plaidie, shawl used as cloak. 
Plaister, plaster. 
Pleugh, plough. 
Pou, pull, pluck. 
Poorith, poverty. 
Pow, pate. 
Prankt, gayly adorned. 
Press, cupboard. 
Propine, propone, present. 
Pund, pound. 
Pussie, hare. 
Pyke, peaked.

Quean, lass. 
Quorum, company.

Raible, rattle off. 
Rair, roar. 
Rant, song, lay. 
Rape, rope. 
Raw, row. 
Reaming, foaming. 
Reck, observe. 
Rede, counsel. 
Red up, cleared up. 
Reek, smoke. 
Reike, (smoky), Edinburgh. 
Restricket, restricted. 
Reveled, ravelled, trouble-some. 
Reynynge, running. 
Reytes, water-flags, iris. 
Rig, ridge. 
Rigwoodie, lean, tough. 
Rin, run. 
Rodde, roddie, ruddy. 
Rodded, grew red. 
Rode, skin. 
Roset, rozet, rosin. 
Rowan, rolling. 
Rudde, ruddy. 
Runkled, wrinkled.

Sabbing, sobbing. 
Sae, so. 
Saftly, softly. 
Sair, serve, sore, sorely. 
Sang, song. 
Sark, shirt, chemise. 
Saul, soul. 
Saunt, saint. 
Saut, salt. 
Scantlins, scarcely. 
Scoured, ran. 
Screed, rip, rent. 
Sede, seed. 
Semescope, jacket. 
Sets, patterns. 
Seventeen-hunder, very fine (linen). 

Project Gutenberg
English Poets of the Eighteenth Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.