English Poets of the Eighteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about English Poets of the Eighteenth Century.

English Poets of the Eighteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about English Poets of the Eighteenth Century.

Icker, ear of grain. 
Ilka, each, every. 
Ingle, fireside.

Jad, jade.
jape, surplice. 
Jauds, jades. 
Jaw, strike, dash. 
Jo, sweetheart. 
Joicie, juicy. 
Jow, swing.

Kebbuck, cheese. 
Kebbuck-heel, last bit of cheese. 
Keek, peep. 
Kelpie, water-spirit. 
Ken, know. 
Kend, known. 
Kennin, trifle. 
Kest, cast. 
Kiaugh, fret. 
Kickshaws, delicacies. 
Killit, tucked up. 
Kirk, church. 
Kiste, coffin. 
Kittle, tickle. 
Knapping-hammer, hammer for breaking stone. 
Kye, kine, cattle. 
Kynde, nature, species, womankind.

Lade, load. 
Laird, lord, land-owner. 
Laith, loath. 
Laithfu’ sheepish, bashful. 
Landscip, landscape. 
Lane, lone. 
Lang, long. 
Lap, leaped. 
Lave, rest. 
Lav’rock, lark. 
Lear, learning. 
Leel, loyal. 
Lee-lang, live-long. 
Leeze me on, commend me to. 
Leglen, leglin, milk-pail. 
Lemes, gleams. 
Leugh, laughed. 
Leuk, look. 
Levynne, lightning. 
Lift, sky. 
Lilt, sing merrily. 
Limitour, begging friar. 
Linkan, tripping. 
Linket, tripped. 
Linn, waterfall. 
Lint, flax. 
Loan, loaning, lane, path. 
Loo’ed, loved. 
Loof, palm. 
Loot, let. 
Loun, clown, rascal. 
Loup, leap. 
Loverds, lords. 
Lowe, flame. 
Lowin, flaming. 
Lowings, flashes. 
Lowp, leap. 
Lug, ear. 
Lunardi, balloon, bonnet. 
Luv, love. 
Lyart, gray, gray-haired.

Mailen, farm. 
Mair, more. 
Mantels, mantles. 
Mar, more. 
Maun, must. 
Maut, malt. 
Mees, meadows. 
Meikle, big. 
Melder, grinding of grain. 
Melvie, soil with meal. 
Mim, prim. 
Mirk, dark. 
Misca’d, miscalled. 
Mist, poor. 
Mittie, mighty. 
Moe, more. 
Mole, soft. 
Moneynge, moaning. 
Monie, mony, many. 
Mou, mouth. 
Muckle, much, great. 
Muir, heath.

Project Gutenberg
English Poets of the Eighteenth Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.