Icker, ear of grain.
Ilka, each, every.
Ingle, fireside.
Jad, jade.
jape, surplice.
Jauds, jades.
Jaw, strike, dash.
Jo, sweetheart.
Joicie, juicy.
Jow, swing.
Kebbuck, cheese.
Kebbuck-heel, last bit of cheese.
Keek, peep.
Kelpie, water-spirit.
Ken, know.
Kend, known.
Kennin, trifle.
Kest, cast.
Kiaugh, fret.
Kickshaws, delicacies.
Killit, tucked up.
Kirk, church.
Kiste, coffin.
Kittle, tickle.
Knapping-hammer, hammer for breaking stone.
Kye, kine, cattle.
Kynde, nature, species, womankind.
Lade, load.
Laird, lord, land-owner.
Laith, loath.
Laithfu’ sheepish, bashful.
Landscip, landscape.
Lane, lone.
Lang, long.
Lap, leaped.
Lave, rest.
Lav’rock, lark.
Lear, learning.
Leel, loyal.
Lee-lang, live-long.
Leeze me on, commend me to.
Leglen, leglin, milk-pail.
Lemes, gleams.
Leugh, laughed.
Leuk, look.
Levynne, lightning.
Lift, sky.
Lilt, sing merrily.
Limitour, begging friar.
Linkan, tripping.
Linket, tripped.
Linn, waterfall.
Lint, flax.
Loan, loaning, lane, path.
Loo’ed, loved.
Loof, palm.
Loot, let.
Loun, clown, rascal.
Loup, leap.
Loverds, lords.
Lowe, flame.
Lowin, flaming.
Lowings, flashes.
Lowp, leap.
Lug, ear.
Lunardi, balloon, bonnet.
Luv, love.
Lyart, gray, gray-haired.
Mailen, farm.
Mair, more.
Mantels, mantles.
Mar, more.
Maun, must.
Maut, malt.
Mees, meadows.
Meikle, big.
Melder, grinding of grain.
Melvie, soil with meal.
Mim, prim.
Mirk, dark.
Misca’d, miscalled.
Mist, poor.
Mittie, mighty.
Moe, more.
Mole, soft.
Moneynge, moaning.
Monie, mony, many.
Mou, mouth.
Muckle, much, great.
Muir, heath.