Gab, mouth.
Gabbing, talking.
Gae, go.
Gaed, gaid, went.
Gallard, frightened.
Gane, gone.
Gang, go.
Gar, make.
Gart, made.
Gash, shrewd, self-complacent.
Gat, got.
Gate, way.
Gaun, gawn, going.
Gawsie, buxom, jolly.
Gear, things, goods.
Geck, mock.
Ghaist, ghost.
Ghastness, ghastliness.
Gibbet-airn, gibbet-iron.
Gie, gi’e, give.
Gie’s, give us, give me.
Giftie, gift.
Gill, glass of whisky.
Gin, if, by.
Glaikil, foolish.
Glint, flash.
Glommed, gloomy.
Gloure, glory.
Gowan, wild daisy.’
Gowd, gold.
Gowk, fool.
Grane, groan.
Grat, wept.
Gre, grow.
Gree, prize.
’Gree, agree.
Greet, weep.
Grein, long for.
Grozet, gooseberry.
Gude, guid, good.
Gudeman, Guidman, husband.
Guidwife, married woman, mistress of the
Guidwillie, full of good will.
Gusty, savory.
Guylteynge, gilding.
Ha’, hall.
Hae, have.
Haffets, temples, sidelocks.
Hafftins, half.
Hafftins-wise, about half.
Hairst, harvest-time.
Hald, holding, possession.
Halesome, wholesome.
Hallan, partition.
Hallie, holy.
Halline, gladness.
Haly, holy.
Hamely, homely.
Hap-step-an’-loup, hop, step and jump.
Harn, coarse linen,
Hartsome, hearty,
Hash, stupid, fellow, dolt.
Haud, hold, keep.
Hawkie, cow.
Hawslock, throat-lock, choicest wool.
Heapet, heaped.
Heie, they.
Het, hot.
Hie, high, highly.
Hight, was called.
Hiltring, hiding.
Hing, hang.
Hinny, honey, sweet.
Hirple, hop.
Histie, bare, dry.
Hizzie, girl, jade.
Hoddin, jogging.
Hoddin grey, undyed woolen.
Holme, evergreen oak.
Hornie, the Devil.
Hotch, jerk.
Houghmagandie, fornication, disgrace.
Houlet, owl.
Hound, incite to pursuit.
Hum, humbug.
Hurdies, buttocks.