Browster, brewer.
Brunstane, brimstone.
Bught, pen, inclosure.
Buke, book.
Burdies, girls.
Burn, brook.
Busk, dress, make ready.
Bustine, fustion.
But, butt, outer room, kitchen without.
Byke, hive.
Ca’, call, drive.
Cadgy, cheerful, gay.
Cairn, heap of stones.
Caldrife, cool, spiritless.
Cale, cold.
Caller, cool.
Canna, cannot.
Cannie, careful, crafty.
Cannilie, craftily.
Cantie, canty, cheerful, jolly.
Cantraip, magic, witchcraft.
Capernoity, ill-natured.
Carlin, old woman.
Cates, dainties.
Cauld, cold.
Caup, cup.
Celness, coldness.
Cess, excise, tax.
Chafe, chafing.
Change-house, tavern.
Chapman, peddler.
Chapournelie, hat.
Chelandri, goldfinch.
Cheres, cheers.
Cheves, moves.
Chirm, chirp.
Church-giebe-house, grave.
Claes, clothes.
Claithing, clothing.
Clamb, climbed.
Claught, catch up.
Clinkin, smartly.
Clinkumbell, the bell-ringer.
Clymmynge, noisy.
Cockernony, woman’s hair gathered up
with a band.
Cofte, bought.
Cog, basin.
Cood, cud.
Coost, cast.
Corbie, raven.
Core, company.
Cotter, tenant of a cottage.
Coulier, ploughshare.
Cour, stoop.
Couth, couthy, sociable, affable.
Crack, chat, instant.
Craig, rock.
Cranreuch, hoar-frost.
Craw, crow.
Creeshic, greasy.
Croon, loll, murmur.
Crouche, crucifix.
Croun, crown.
Crouse, proud, lively.
Crowdie, porridge, breakfast.
Crowlin, crawling.
Crummock, crooked staff.
Crump, crisp.
Cryne, hair.
Curchie, curtsy.
Cutty, short.
Daffing, frolicking.
Daft, foolish.
Dail, board, plank.
Daimen, rare, occasional.
Daur, dare,
Daw, dawn,
Dawd, lump.
Deave, deafen.
Dee die.
Defeat, defeated.