Aith, oath.
Alane, alone.
Alang, along.
Albeytie, albeit.
Alestake, alehouse sign.
Alleyne, alone.
Almer, beggar.
Amaist, almost.
Amang, aming, among.
An, if.
Ance, once.
Ane, one.
Arist, arose.
Ashrewed, accursed.
Asklent, askance.
Asteer, astir.
Astonied, stunned.
Atte, at.
Attene, at one.
Auld, old.
Aumere, mantle.
Autremete, robe.
Ava, at all.
Awa, away.
Aynewarde, backward.
Bairn, child.
Baith, both.
Bake, biscuit.
Bandsters, binder of sheaves.
Bane, bone.
Bante, cursed.
Barefit, Barefeet.
Bauk, cross-beam.
Bauldly, boldly.
Bear, barley.
Bederoll, string of beads.
Beet, fan, kindle.
Beld, bald.
Bell, flower.
Belyve, by and by.
Ben, inner roon, parlour, inside.
Bicker, bowl.
Bickering, hurrying.
Bield, shelter.
Big, build.
Bigonet, linen cap.
Bittle, fellow.
Birk, birch.
Birkie, conceited fellow.
Bizz, buzz.
Black-bonnet, elder.
Blake, bleak.
Blastit, damned.
Blaw, blow, draught.
Bleer’t, bleared.
Bleeze, blaze.
Blellum, babbler.
Blethering, gabbling.
Blin, blind.
Blink, glance, moment.
Bloshes, blushes.
Bluid, blood.
Boddynge, budding.
Bogollis, hobgoblins.
Bogle, bogie.
Bonie, pretty.
Bonilie, prettily.
Bonnet, cap.
Bore, chink.
Botte, but.
Bra, fine.
Brae, hillside.
Braid, broad.
Braid-claith, broadcloth.
Brak, broke.
Braste, burst.
Brattle, scamper, clatter.
Braw, brawlie, fine.
Bree, liquor.
Breeks, breeches.
Brectful, brimful.
Brent, straight.
Brig, bridge.
Brither, brother.
Brogues, breeches.