The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857.

Still the fight was lingering on the right of the confederates, where, it will be remembered, Uluch Ali, the Algerine chief, had profited by Doria’s error in extending his line so far as greatly to weaken it.  His adversary, attacking it on its most vulnerable quarter, had succeeded, as we have seen, in capturing and destroying several vessels, and would have inflicted still heavier losses on his enemy, had it not been for the seasonable succor received from the Marquis of Santa Cruz.  This brave officer, who commanded the reserve, had already been of much service to Don John, when the Real was assailed by several Turkish galleys at once, during his combat with Ali Pasha; the Marquis having arrived at this juncture, and beating off the assailants, one of whom he afterwards captured, the commander-in-chief was enabled to resume his engagement with the pasha.

No sooner did Santa Cruz learn the critical situation of Doria, than, supported by Cardona, general of the Sicilian squadron, he pushed forward to his relief.  Dashing into the midst of the melee, they fell like a thunderbolt on the Algerine galleys.  Few attempted to withstand the shock.  But in their haste to avoid it, they were encountered by Doria and his Genoese.  Thus beset on all sides, Uluch Ali was compelled to abandon his prizes and provide for his own safety by flight.  He cut adrift the Maltese Capitana, which he had lashed to his stern, and on which three hundred corpses attested the desperate character of her defence.  As tidings reached him of the discomfiture of the centre and the death of his commander, he felt that nothing remained but to make the best of his way from the fatal scene of action, and save as many of his own ships as he could.  And there were no ships in the Turkish fleet superior to his, or manned by men under more perfect discipline; for they were the famous corsairs of the Mediterranean, who had been rocked from infancy on its waters.

Throwing out his signals for retreat, the Algerine was soon to be seen, at the head of his squadron, standing towards the north, under as much canvas as remained to him after the battle, and urged forward through the deep by the whole strength of his oarsmen.  Doria and Santa Cruz followed quickly in his wake.  But he was borne on the wings of the wind, and soon distanced his pursuers.  Don John, having disposed of his own assailants, was coming to the support of Doria, and now joined in the pursuit of the viceroy.  A rocky headland, stretching far into the sea, lay in the path of the fugitive, and his enemies hoped to intercept him there.  Some few of his vessels stranded on the rocks.  But the rest, near forty in number, standing more boldly out to sea, safely doubled the promontory.  Then quickening their flight, they gradually faded from the horizon, their white sails, the last thing visible, showing in the distance like a flock of Arctic sea-fowl on their way to their native homes.  The confederates explained the inferior sailing of their own galleys by the circumstance of their rowers, who had been allowed to bear arms in the fight, being crippled by their wounds.

Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.