The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857.

But will the many always thus submit themselves to the domination of the few?  We believe that the days of this ignominious subjection are already numbered.  Signs in heaven and on earth tell us that one of those movements has begun to be felt in the Northern mind, which perplex tyrannies everywhere with the fear of change.  The insults and wrongs so long heaped upon the North by the South begin to be felt.  The torpid giant moves uneasily beneath his mountain-load of indignities.  The people of the North begin to feel that they support a government for the benefit of their natural enemies; for, of all antipathies, that of slave labor to free is the most deadly and irreconcilable.  There never was a time when the relations of the North and the South, as complicated by Slavery, were so well understood and so deeply resented as now.  In fields, in farmhouses, and in workshops, there is a spirit aroused which can never be laid or exorcised till it has done its task.  We see its work in the great uprising of the Free States against the Slave States in the late national election.  Though trickery and corruption cheated it of its end, the thunder of its protest struck terror into the hearts of the tyrants.  We hear its echo, as it comes back from the Slave States themselves, in the exceeding bitter cry of the whites for deliverance from the bondage which the slavery of the blacks has brought upon them also.  We discern the confession of its might in the very extravagances and violences of the Slave Power.  It is its conscious and admitted weakness that has made Texas and Mexico and Cuba, and our own Northwestern territory, necessary to be devoured.  It is desperation, and not strength, that has made the bludgeon and the bowie-knife integral parts of the national legislation.  It has the American Government, the American Press, and the American Church, in its national organizations, on its side; but the Humanity and the Christianity of the Nation and the World abhor and execrate it.  They that be against it are more than they that be for it.

It rages, for its time is short.  And its rage is the fiercer because of the symptoms of rebellion against its despotism which it discerns among the white men of the South, who from poverty or from principle have no share in its sway.  When we speak of the South as distinguished from the North by elements of inherent hostility, we speak only of the governing faction, and not of the millions of nominally free men who are scarcely less its thralls than the black slaves themselves.  This unhappy class of our countrymen are the first to feel the blight which Slavery spreads around it, because they are the nearest to its noxious power.  The subjects of no European despotism are under a closer espionage, or a more organized system of terrorism, than are they.  The slaveholders, having the wealth, and nearly all the education that the South can boast of, employ these mighty instruments of power to create the public sentiment and to control

Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.