The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857.
spread out, as usual with the Turks, in the form of a regular half-moon, covering a wider extent of surface than the combined fleets, which they somewhat exceeded in numbers.  They presented, indeed, as they drew nearer, a magnificent array, with their gilded and gaudily painted prows, and their myriads of pennons and streamers fluttering gayly in the breeze, while the rays of the morning sun glanced on the polished scymitars of Damascus, and on the superb aigrettes of jewels which sparkled in the turbans of the Ottoman chiefs.

In the centre of the extended line, and directly opposite to the station occupied by the captain-general of the League, was the huge galley of Ali Pasha.  The right of the armada was commanded by Mehemet Siroco, viceroy of Egypt, a circumspect as well as courageous leader; the left by Uluch Ali, dey of Algiers, the redoubtable corsair of the Mediterranean.  Ali Pasha had experienced a similar difficulty with Don John, as several of his officers had strongly urged the inexpediency of engaging so formidable an armament as that of the allies.  But Ali, like his rival, was young and ambitious.  He had been sent by his master to fight the enemy; and no remonstrances, not even those of Mehemet Siroco, for whom he had great respect, could turn him from his purpose.

He had, moreover, received intelligence that the allied fleet was much inferior in strength to what it proved.  In this error he was fortified by the first appearance of the Christians; for the extremity of their left wing, commanded by Barberigo, stretching behind the Aetolian shore, was hidden from his view.  As he drew nearer, and saw the whole extent of the Christian lines, it is said his countenance fell.  If so, he still did not abate one jot of his resolution.  He spoke to those around him with the same confidence as before of the result of the battle.  He urged his rowers to strain every effort.  Ali was a man of more humanity than often belonged to his nation.  His galley-slaves were all, or nearly all, Christian captives; and he addressed them in this neat and pithy manner:  “If your countrymen win this day, Allah give you the benefit of it!  Yet if I win it, you shall have your freedom.  If you feel that I do well by you, do then the like by me.”

As the Turkish admiral drew nearer, he made a change in his order of battle by separating his wings farther from his centre, thus conforming to the dispositions of the allies.  Before he had come within cannon-shot, he fired a gun by way of challenge to his enemy.  It was answered by another from the galley of John of Austria.  A second gun discharged by Ali was as promptly replied to by the Christian commander.  The distance between the two fleets was now rapidly diminishing.  At this solemn hour a death-like silence reigned throughout the armament of the confederates.  Men seemed to hold their breath, as if absorbed in the expectation of some great catastrophe.  The day was magnificent.  A light breeze, still adverse to the Turks, played on the waters, somewhat fretted by contrary winds.  It was nearly noon; and as the sun, mounting through a cloudless sky, rose to the zenith, he seemed to pause, as if to look down on the beautiful scene, where the multitude of galleys, moving over the water, showed like a holiday spectacle rather than a preparation for mortal combat.

Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 2, December, 1857 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.