The Best Letters of Charles Lamb eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 323 pages of information about The Best Letters of Charles Lamb.

The Best Letters of Charles Lamb eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 323 pages of information about The Best Letters of Charles Lamb.
“it was without grief.  It seemed to me that he had long been on the confines of the next world, that he had a hunger for eternity.  I grieved then that I could not grieve; but since, I feel how great a part he was of me.  His great and dear spirit haunts me.  I cannot think a thought, I cannot make a criticism on men or books, without an ineffectual turning and reference to him.  He was the proof and touchstone of all my cogitations.”  Lamb did not long outlive his old schoolfellow.  Walking in the middle of December along the London road, he stumbled and fell, inflicting a slight wound upon his face.  The injury at first seemed trivial; but soon after, erysipelas appearing, it became evident that his general health was too feeble to resist.  On the 27th of December, 1834, he passed quietly away, whispering in his last moments the names of his dearest friends.

Mary Lamb survived her brother nearly thirteen years, dying, at the advanced age of eighty-two, on May 20, 1847.  With increasing years her attacks had become more frequent and of longer duration, till her mind became permanently weakened.  After leaving Edmonton, she lived chiefly in a pleasant house in St. John’s Wood, surrounded by old books and prints, under the care of a nurse.  Her pension, together with the income from her brother’s savings, was amply sufficient for her support.

Talfourd, who was present at the burial of Mary Lamb, has eloquently described the earthly reunion of the brother and sister:—­

“A few survivors of the old circle, then sadly thinned, attended her remains to the spot in Edmnonton churchyard where they were laid above those of her brother.  In accordance with Lamb’s own feeling, so far as it could be gathered from his expressions on a subject to which he did not often or willingly refer, he had been interred in a deep grave, simply dug and wattled round, but without any affectation of stone or brickwork to keep the human dust from its kindred earth.  So dry, however, is the soil of the quiet churchyard that the excavated earth left perfect walls of stiff clay, and permitted us just to catch a glimpse of the still untarnished edges of the coffin, in which all the mortal part of one of the most delightful persons who ever lived was contained, and on which the remains of her he had loved with love ‘passing the love of woman’ were henceforth to rest,—­the last glances we shall ever have even of that covering,—­concealed from us as we parted by the coffin of the sister.  We felt, I believe, after a moment’s strange shuddering, that the reunion was well accomplished; although the true-hearted son of Admiral Burney, who had known and loved the pair we quitted from a child, and who had been among the dearest objects of existence to him, refused to be comforted.”

Project Gutenberg
The Best Letters of Charles Lamb from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.