A Treatise of Daunses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 24 pages of information about A Treatise of Daunses.

A Treatise of Daunses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 24 pages of information about A Treatise of Daunses.

[Sidenote:  Daunsers are folish & senseles persons.] Varro writeth, that Scipio was wont to say, that there was no difference at all betweene a furious, outragious, or mad man and a daunser, sauing that this man, that is to say, the daunser was then onely mad when he daunsed, and the other was so all his life long.  From thence commeth the Latine prouerbe, that daunsers play the fooles, or wantons, but it is with measure.

Here wee euidently and playnly see, in what estimation and regard daunses were among Pagans and infidels, which trulye could not iudge otherwise therof, I speake of them which had the best and more sound iudgement, and which were able to weigh and consider, as well the daunses themselues, as their so pretious fruites, and excellent effectes.  For if it be, yet after feastes and banquets, men commonly set, or geue themselues to daunse, and after that men be full of wyne and good meates, they bee then prouoked & pricked forwarde, by the prickes of the flesh, to what end serue such manner of gestures, if not, to make manifest & set out their intemperency.  Now if men would refer it, or bringe it to bodily exercise, this would be very folishly done.  For the body of her owne health, requireth not to be so shaken, tossed, and as a man woulde say, hunted after meate, for feare to hinder digestion, as the Phisition placed it amonge their rules of diet.  Moreouer seeing yet men may exercise themselues in many other maners and sortes of exercises, hee, as mee thinketh openly sheweth, yet he hath not modesty, nor temperance, nor his health it selfe in estimation, yet is, he estemeth & regardeth not. &c. which choseth daunsing for his exercise.  Daunses then were neuer heretofore otherwise accounted of, nether be at this present otherwise thought of, then mere vilany, & a most certaine, plaine, and evident testimony of the filthines & intemperancy of them which delighted themselues therin.  Now, that so it is, the Prouerbe sayeth, De la panse, vient la Danse:  from the panch commeth the daunce:  [Sidenote:  Math. 14.  Mark. 6] And if we durst ioine therto whoredom their elder daughter, we shal find that she followeth after immediately. which thing we shall easily fynd, if we consider the most ordinary & common effectes of daunsing. what was the cause that Herode so lightly promised, to that goodlye daunser Salome, the daughter of Herodias, euen the one halfe of his Realme, and kingdome, but that by her vilanous, and shameles daunsing, shee had stirred up and set on fyre his concupiscence and lust who was already a villanous adulterer, and infamous whoremonger, so that the delighte and pleasure which he take therin, provoked him to be willing to make so excessiue and unmeasurable a recompence:  Moreouer let us marke more narrowly in Genesis, that which is written of Dina the daughter of Jacob, and we shall find that daunses were partly the cause of her rauishing, or deflouring.  For albeit, that in that place, there is no expresse mention made of daunses, yet

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A Treatise of Daunses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.