A Little Boy Lost eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 140 pages of information about A Little Boy Lost.

A Little Boy Lost eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 140 pages of information about A Little Boy Lost.

By-and-by, in that deep silence, there was a sound; it seemed to come from a great distance, it was so faint.  Then it grew louder and nearer; and far away he saw a little cloud of dust, and then, even through the dust, dark forms coming swiftly towards him.  The sound he heard was like a long halloo, a cry like the cry of a man, but wild and shrill, like a bird’s cry; and whenever that cry was uttered, it was followed by a strange confused noise as of the neighing of many horses.  They were, in truth, horses that were coming swiftly towards him—­a herd of sixty or seventy wild horses.  He could see and hear them only too plainly now, looking very terrible in their strength and speed, and the flowing black manes that covered them like a black cloud, as they came thundering on, intending perhaps to sweep over him and trample him to death with their iron-hard hoofs.

All at once, when they were within fifty yards of Martin, the long, shrill, wild cry went up again, and the horses swerved to one side, and went sweeping round him in a wide circle.  Then, as they galloped by, he caught sight of the strangest-looking being he had ever seen, a man, on the back of one of the horses; naked and hairy, he looked like a baboon as he crouched, doubled up, gripping the shoulders and neck of the horse with his knees, clinging with his hands to the mane, and craning his neck like a flying bird.  It was this strange rider who had uttered the long piercing man-and-bird-like cries; and now changing his voice to a whinnying sound the horses came to a stop, and gathering together in a crowd they stood tossing their manes and staring at Martin with their wild, startled eyes.

In another moment the wild rider came bounding out from among them, and moving now erect, now on all fours, came sideling up to Martin, flinging his arms and legs about, wagging his head, grimacing and uttering whinnying and other curious noises.  Never had Martin looked upon so strange a man!  He was long and lean so that you could have counted his ribs, and he was stark naked, except for the hair of his head and face, which half covered him.  His skin was of a yellowish brown colour, and the hair the colour of old dead grass; and it was coarse and tangled, falling over his shoulders and back and covering his forehead like a thatch, his big brown nose standing out beneath it like a beak.  The face was covered with the beard which was tangled too, and grew down to his waist, After staring at Martin for some time with his big, yellow, goat-like eyes, he pranced up to him and began to sniff round him, then touched him with his nose on his face, arms, and shoulders.

[Illustration:  ]

“Who are you?” said Martin in astonishment.

Project Gutenberg
A Little Boy Lost from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.