How Jerusalem Was Won eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about How Jerusalem Was Won.

How Jerusalem Was Won eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about How Jerusalem Was Won.
left Gaza, abandoning a stronghold which had been prepared for defence with all the ingenuity German masters of war could suggest and into which had been worked an enormous amount of material.  It was obvious from the complete success of XXth Corps’ operations against the Turkish left, which had been worked out absolutely ‘according to plan,’ that General Allenby had so thoroughly mystified von Kressenstein that the latter had put all his reserves into the wrong spot, and that the 53rd Division’s stout resistance against superior numbers had pinned them down to the wrong end of the line.  There was nothing, therefore, for the Turk to do but to try to hold another position, and he was straining every nerve to reach it.  The East Anglian Division went up west of Gaza and held from Sheikh Redwan to the sea by seven o’clock, two squadrons of the Corps’ cavalry rode along the seashore and had patrols on the wadi Hesi a little earlier than that, and the Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade, composed of troops raised and maintained by patriotic Indian princes, passed through Gaza at nine o’clock and went out towards Beit Hanun.  To the Lowland Division was given the important task of getting to the right or northern bank of the wadi Hesi.  These imperturbable Scots left their trenches in the morning delighted at the prospect of once more engaging in open warfare.  They marched along the beach under cover of the low sand cliffs, and by dusk had crossed the mouth of the wadi and held some of the high ground to the north in face of determined opposition.  The 157th Brigade, after a march through very heavy going, got to the wadi at five in the afternoon and saw the enemy posted on the opposite bank.  The place was reconnoitred and the brigade made a fine bayonet charge in the dark, securing the position between ten and eleven o’clock.  On this and succeeding days the division had to fight very hard indeed, and they often met the enemy with the bayonet.  One of their officers told me the Scot was twice as good as the Turk in ordinary fighting, but with the bayonet his advantage was as five to one.  The record of the Division throughout the campaign showed this was no too generous an estimate of their powers.  After securing Ali Muntar the 75th Division advanced over Fryer’s Hill to Australia Hill, so that they held the whole ridge running north and south to the eastward of Gaza.  The enemy still held to his positions to the right of his centre, and from the Atawineh Redoubt, Tank Redoubt, and Beer trenches there was considerable shelling of Gaza and the Ali Muntar ridge throughout the day.  A large number of shells fell in the plantations on the western side of the ridge; our mastery of the air prevented enemy aviators observing for their artillery, or they would have seen no traffic was passing along that way.  We were using the old Cairo ‘road,’ and as far as I could see not an enemy shell reached it, though when our troops were in the town of Gaza there were many crumps
Project Gutenberg
How Jerusalem Was Won from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.