How Jerusalem Was Won eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about How Jerusalem Was Won.

How Jerusalem Was Won eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about How Jerusalem Was Won.
of the town from the north-east and east.
As soon as possible after the taking of Beersheba the G.O.C.  Desert Mounted Corps will report to G.H.Q. on the water supplies in the wells and wadis east of Beersheba and especially along the wadi Saba and the Beersheba-Tel-el-Nulah road.  If insufficient water is found to exist in this area G.O.C.  Desert Mounted Corps will send back such of his troops as may be necessary to watering places from which he started or which may be found in the country east of the Khalasa-Beersheba road during the operations.
A preliminary survey having been made, the G.O.C.  XXth Corps will report by wire to G.H.Q. on the condition of the wells and water supply generally in Beersheba and on any water supplies found west and north-west of that place.  He will telegraph an estimate as soon as it can be made of the time required to place the Beersheba water supply in working order.
When the situation as regards water at Beersheba has become clear so that the movement of XXth Corps and Desert Mounted Corps against the left flank of the enemy’s main position can be arranged, the G.O.C.  XXIst Corps will be ordered to attack the enemy’s defences south-west of Gaza in time for this operation to be carried out prior to the attack of XXth Corps on the Kauwukah line of works.  The objective of XXIst Corps will be the defences of Gaza from Umbrella Hill inclusive to the sea about Sheikh Hasan.

  Instructions in regard to the following have been issued
  separate to all corps: 

  Amount of corps artillery allotted.

  Amount of ammunition put on corps charge prior to operations.

  Amount of ammunition per gun that will be delivered daily
  at respective railheads and the day of commencement.

  Amount of transport allotted for forward supply from

  The general average for one day’s firing has been calculated
  on the following basis: 

Field and mountain guns and mountain howitzers ...150 rounds per gun. 4.5-inch howitzers....120 rounds per gun. 60-pounders and 6-inch howitzers. 90 rounds per gun. 8-inch howitzers and 6-inch Mark VII. 60 rounds per gun.
This average expenditure will only be possible in the XXIst Corps up to Zx16 day and for the Desert Mounted Corps and XXth Corps to Zx13.  After these dates if the average has been expended the daily average will have to drop to the basis of 100 rounds per 18-pounder per day and other natures in proportion.
AIRCRAFT, ARMY WING.—­Strategical reconnaissance including the reconnaissance of areas beyond the tactical zone and in which the enemy’s main reserves are located, also distant photography and aerial offensive, will be carried out by an Army squadron under instructions issued direct from G.H.Q.  Protection from hostile aircraft will be the main duty of the Army fighting squadron. 
Project Gutenberg
How Jerusalem Was Won from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.