How Jerusalem Was Won eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about How Jerusalem Was Won.

How Jerusalem Was Won eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about How Jerusalem Was Won.
shells.  Nor could its deplorable condition be improved by working parties.  The ground was so soft on either side of it that no gun, ammunition, or supply limber could leave the track, and whatever was required for man, or beast, or artillery had to be carried across the road in the pitch-black hours of night.  Supplies were only got up to the troops after infinite labour, yet no one went hungry.  Boxing Day was brighter, and there were hopes of a period of better weather.  During the morning there were indications that an enemy offensive was not far off, and these were confirmed about noon by information that the front north of Jerusalem would be attacked in the night.  General Chetwode thereupon ordered General Longley to start his offensive on the left of the XXth Corps line at dawn next morning.  Shortly before midnight the Turks began their operations against the line held by the 60th Division across the Nablus road precisely where it had been expected.  They attacked in considerable strength at Ras et Tawil and about the quarries held by our outposts north of that hill, and the outposts were driven in.  About the same time the 24th Welsh Regiment—­dismounted yeomanry—­made the enemy realise that we were on the alert, for they assaulted and captured a hill quite close to Et Tireh, just forestalling an attack by a Turkish storming battalion, and beat off several determined counter-attacks, as a result of which the enemy left seventy killed with the bayonet and also some machine guns on the hill slopes.

The night was dark and misty, and by half-past one the Turks had developed a big attack against the whole of the 60th Division’s front, the strongest effort being delivered on the line in front of Tel el Ful, though there was also very violent fighting on the west of the wadi Ed Dunn, north of Beit Hannina.  The Turks fought with desperate bravery.  They had had no food for two days, and the commander of one regiment told his men:  ’There are no English in front of you.  I have been watching the enemy lines for a long time; they are held by Egyptians, and I tell you there are no English there.  You have only to capture two hills and you can go straight into Jerusalem and get food.  It is our last chance of getting Jerusalem, and if we fail we shall have to go back.’  This officer gave emphatic orders that British wounded were not to be mutilated.  Between half-past one and eight A.M. the Turks attacked in front of Tel el Ful eight times, each attack being stronger than the last.  Tel el Ful is a conical hill covered with huge boulders, and on the top is a mass of rough stones and ruined masonry.  The Turks had registered well and severely shelled our position before making an assault, and they covered the advance with machine guns.  In one attack made just after daybreak the enemy succeeded in getting into a short length of line, but men of the 2/15th Londons promptly organised a counter-attack and, advancing with fine gallantry, though their ranks

Project Gutenberg
How Jerusalem Was Won from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.