This book contains not only all the latest amendments to the Bankrupt Act, with copious notes covering the latest English and American decisions, but it also has a prefatory chapter of “Hints to Persons contemplating Bankruptcy.” PUNCHINELLO, feeling a deep interest in the welfare of The Sun, The Free Press, and certain others of his contemporaries, earnestly requests their attention to that chapter. Some such advice as it contains is evidently needed by them for their guidance through the financial gloom that seems to be settling on them. The loss of thirty per cent of its circulation within the past month has brought deep depression upon The Sun. The festive laugh of its editors —especially that of the roystering Lothario OLIVER DYER,—is but seldom heard, now, in the famed restaurant of MOUQUIN. We cordially commend to their notice, then, the work in question, that, availing themselves of its “Hints,” they may so arrange as to have ready, when the smash comes, funds to qualify them for enjoying the blessed privilege constitutionally granted to all who, like them, have been “weighed in the balance and found wanting.”
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