PALESTINE, Treaty of Sevres and
Paper currency, Germany’s pre-and
Paris, an unsuitable meeting place for
Peace Conference in
Supreme Council at
welcomes President Wilson
Paris Conference, and the indemnity
Peace, necessary conditions for
Peace Conference, Lloyd George’s
memorandum for
Peace treaties, a negation of justice
and continuation of the war
and their application
effect on Germany of
origin and aims of
question of reparation and
revision of, a necessity
their opposition to Wilson’s
fourteen points
Peace treaty of June, 1919,
summary of terms of
Peasants, Russian, and the old regime
Petrograd, text of London Agreement published
Plebiscite, result of, in Upper Silesia
Plebiscites, system of
Poincare, M., and Clemenceau
and Germany’s right
of entry into League of Nations
and the peace treaties
Lloyd George replies to
on military guarantees and
Poland, aims at further expansion
anarchic condition of
and the plebiscite
and the Treaty of Versailles
Poland, army of
financial position of
gains by Treaty
her policy of greed
obtains State of Danzig
of to-day
the Tsar’s proclamation
treaty with France
working for ruin
Polish state, foundation of an independent
Politics, German, pre-war
Portugal, war debt of
Progress, war as condition towards
Public debts of warring nations
(cf. Allies, war
debts of)
RECONSTRUCTION of Europe, the, and annullment
of inter-Allied debts
and the revision of peace
Germany’s indemnity
and that of defeated countries
necessity of forming new connexions
with Russia
the League of Nations and
the safety of France and the
military guarantees
Renner, Chancellor of Vienna, confers
with Marquis della Torretta
Reparations clause, origin of
Reparations Commission, the, expense accounts
formation of
suppression of, a necessity
Reparations, the problem of
(cf. Indemnities)
Rhine, the, as frontier
occupation of
an act of vengeance
cost of, to Germany
Riga, hunger and sickness in, the aftermath
of war
Ruhr, the, question of occupation of
Rumania, army of
evacuation of
financial position of
her gains by Treaty
Magyars in
Rumanian occupation of Hungary
Russia, and the League of Nations
as cause of world-conflict
birth-rate of
blockade of
Entente aids military undertakings
financial position of
Germany’s fear of
her policy of expansion
Lloyd George on
military revolts in