The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.

The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.
boil, effervesce          plenty, abundance       force, coerce
clear, transparent        sound, reverberate      echo, reverberate
toil, labor               false, perfidious       prove, verify
join, unite               join, annex             try, endeavor
carry, convey             save, preserve          save, rescue
safe, secure              poor, pauper            poor, penurious
poor, impecunious         native, indigenous      strange, extraneous
excuse, palliate          excusable, venial       cannon, ordnance
corpse, cadaverous        parish, parochial       fool, stultify
fool, idiot               rule, govern            governor, gubernatorial
wages, salary             nice, exquisite         haughty, arrogant
letter, epistle           pursue, prosecute       use, utility
use, utilize              rival, competitor       male, masculine
female, feminine          beauty, esthetics       beauty, pulchritude
beautify, embellish       poison, venom           vote, franchise
vote, suffrage            taste, gust             tasteful, gustatory
tasteless, insipid        flower, floral          count, compute
cowardly, pusillanimous   tent, pavilion          money, finance
monetary, pecuniary       trace, vestige          face, countenance
turn, revolve             bottle, vial            grease, lubricant
oily, unctuous            revive, resuscitate     faultless, impeccable
scourge, flagellate       power, puissance        barber, tonsorial
bishop, episcopal         carry, portable         fruitful, prolific
punish, punitive          scar, cicatrix          hostile, inimical
choice, option            cry, vociferate         ease, facility
peaceful, pacific         beast, animal           chasten, castigate
round, rotunda            imprison, incarcerate   bowels, viscera
boil, ebullient           city, municipal         color, chromatics
nervous, neurotic         pleasing, delectable    accidental, fortuitous
change, mutation          lazy, indolent          fragrance, aroma
pay, compensate           face, physiognomy       joy, rapture
charitable, eleemosynary  blame, blaspheme        priest, presbyter
coy, quiet                prudent, provident      pupil, disciple
story, narrative          pause, interval         despise, abhor
doctor, physician         fate, destiny           country, rustic
aged, senile              increase, increment     gentle, genteel
clear, apparent           eagle, aquiline         motion, momentum
nourishment, nutrition    pure, unadulterated     closeness, proximity
number, notation          ancestors, progenitors  confirm, corroborate
convert, proselyte        benediction, benison    treasury, thesaurus
egotism, megalomania

Sometimes the native word is less familiar than the classic: 


seethe, boil loam, soil fare, travel abide, remain bestow, present bestow, deposit din, noise quern, mill learner, scholar shamefaced, modest hue, color tarnish, stain ween, expect leech, physician shield, protect steadfast, firm withstand, resist straightway, immediately dwelling, residence heft, gravity delve, excavate forthright, direct tidings, report bower, chamber rune, letter borough, city baleful, destructive gainsay, contradict cleave, divide hearten, encourage hoard, treasure

Project Gutenberg
The Century Vocabulary Builder from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.