The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.

The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.

Claim, assert. He claimed that Jefferson was our third President.  He asserted that bears sleep through the winter.

Clothing, costume. At the masquerade ball we each wore special clothing.  The mariner who had swum from the wreck to the desert shore had not a shred of costume.

Comfort, ease. Comfort after labor.  The case of owning a home.

Commercial, mercantile. Petty commercial transactions.  A mercantile treaty.

Common, mutual. This pavilion was the common play-house for the children of the neighborhood.  Ward and Aker held this property as their mutual possession.

Complement, compliment. This addition is the complement of our quota.  He paid his dancing partner a compliment.

Complement, supplement. His downrightness is the complement of his uprightness.  As a supplement to his wages he received an occasional bonus.

Complete, finish. He put in the completing touches.  He had finished the task.

Composure, equanimity. His composure was not to be shaken.  After this inner tumult came equanimity.

Comprehensible, comprehensive. Numbers of such magnitude are scarcely comprehensible.  That men by the million should die for a cause is a thing not really comprehensive.

Compulsion, obligation. Who does not feel within him a compulsion to help the weak?  It was through obligation, through having slave-drivers stand over them, that these wretched folk built the pyramids.

Congratulate, felicitate. I congratulated my friend on his appointment to the commission.  I also felicitated the stranger on his appointment.

Consecutive, successive. Three consecutive convictions proved the ability of the prosecuting attorney.  The quiet passing of successive summer days.

Contemptible, contemptuous. Its size was insignificant, even contemptible.  He won the prize by a contemptuous trick.

Continuation, continuance. The investigator was surprised to find the tradition of such long continuation.  We waited impatiently for the continuance of the story in the next issue.

Corporal, corporeal. I am more and more amazed at the perfection of man’s corporal frame.  His corporeal vigor was unusual.

Correct, rectify. A man may correct many of his false judgments on current affairs by studying history.  The mistake is ours; it shall be rectified.

Cozy, snug. The cozy fit of a garment.  A snug place by the fire.

Crawl, creep. We crawled forward at dawn to surprise their outposts.  In his humility he fairly crept on the earth.

Credible, creditable. I do not doubt it; it is entirely credible.  The success of the antidote seemed scarcely creditable.

Credit, accredit. Though he is the official and credited ambassador, his assertions are not accredited.

Project Gutenberg
The Century Vocabulary Builder from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.