The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.

The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.

Prefix Meaning English embodiments

A, ab from, away avert, abnegation, abstract Ad to adduce, adjacent, affect, accede Ante before antediluvian, anteroom Bi two biped, bicycle Circum around circumambient, circumference Cum, com, with, together combine, consort, coadjutor
  con, co
Contra against contradict, contrast De from, negative deplete, decry, demerit, declaim
              down, intensive
Di, dis asunder, away from, divert, disbelief
E, ex from, out of evict, excavate Extra beyond extraordinary, extravagant In in, into, not innate, instil, insignificant Inter among, between intercollegiate, interchange Intro, into, within introduce, intramural
Non negative nonage, nondescript Ob against, before
              (facing), toward obloquy, obstacle, offer
Per through, extremely persecute, perfervid, pursue,
                                        pilgrim, pellucid
Post after postpone, postscript Pre before prepay, preoccupy Pro before proceed, proffer Re back, again return, resound Retro back, backward retroactive, retrospective Se apart, aside seclude, secession Semi half semiannual, semicivilized Sub under, less than, subscribe, suffer, subnormal,
              inferior subcommittee
Super above, extremely superfluous, supercritical, soprano Trans across, through transfer, transparent Ultra beyond, extremely ultramundane, ultraconservative

Greek Ancestors of English Words
(Scientific terms in English are largely derived from the Greek)

Greek word Meaning English representatives

Aner, andros,    man, stamen        androgynous, philander,
anthropos                           philanthropy
Archos           chief, primitive   archaic, architect
Astron           star               asterisk, disaster
Autos            self               autograph, automatic, authentic
Barvs            heavy              baritone, barites
Biblos           book               Bible, bibliomania
Bios             life               biology, autobiography, amphibious
Cheir            hand               chiropody, chirurgical, surgeon
Chilioi          a thousand         kilogram, kilowatt
Chroma           color              chromo, achromatic
Chronos           time              chronic, anachronism

Project Gutenberg
The Century Vocabulary Builder from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.