The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.

The Century Vocabulary Builder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 319 pages of information about The Century Vocabulary Builder.
Sentences:  He was a ____   ____ of the measure, but no sooner was
the order issued than he wished it ____.  In ____ the assembly he ____ the
enthusiasm of his followers.  That he should give ____ utterance to this
thought ____ me; but the words, once spoken, were ____.

Volve, volute (roll, turn):  (1) involve, devolve, revolver, evolution, revolutionary, revolt, voluble, volume, vault; (2) circumvolve, convolution, convolvulus.

Sentences:  It ____ upon me to put down the ____.  In this ____ the
heroine is ____ and the hero handy with a ____.  He was ____ in a ____
uprising.  He had laid the papers away in a ____.  The ____ of civilization
is a tedious story.


Copy both sections (the first consists of fairly familiar terms, the second of less familiar terms) of each of the following word-groups.  Find the key-syllable, underscore it in each word, observe any modifications in its form.  Decide for yourself what its meaning is; then verify or correct your conclusion by reference to the dictionary.  Study the influence of the key-syllable upon the meaning of each separate word; find the word’s original signification, its present signification.  Add to each word-group as many cognate words as you can (1) think of for yourself, (2) find in the dictionary by looking under the key-syllable.  Fill the blanks in the sentences after each word-group with terms chosen from the first section of words in that group.

(1) Animosity, unanimous, magnanimity; (2) animate, animadvert, equanimity.

Sentences:  It was the ____ opinion that to so noble a foe ____
should be shown.  The spiteful man continued to display his ____.

(1) Annual, annuity, anniversary, perennial, centennial, solemn; (2) superannuate, biennial, millennium.

Sentences:  The amateur gardener made the ____ discovery that the
plant was a ____.  The ____ celebration of the great man’s birth took a
____ and imposing form in our city.  By a happy coincidence the increase in
his ____ came on wedding ____.

(1) Audit, auditor, auditorium, audience, inaudible, obey; (2) aurist, auricular, auscultation.

Sentences:  His voice may not have been ____, but it certainly did
not fill the ____.  Not one ____ in all that vast ____ but was willing to
____ his slightest suggestion.  He was not willing that they should ____
his accounts.

(1) Automatic, automobile, autocrat, autobiography; (2) autograph, autonomy.

Sentences:  The ____ dictated to his secretary the third chapter
of his ____.  The habit of changing gear properly in an ____ becomes
almost ____.

(1) Cant, descant, incantation, chant, enchant, chanticleer, accent, incentive; (2) canto, canticle, cantata, recant, chantry, chanson, precentor.

Sentences:  He ____ upon this topic in a queer, foreign ____. 
Such utterances are mere sanctimonious ____; I had rather listen to the
____ of a voodoo conjurer.  The little girl from the city was ____ with the
crowing of ____.  The ____ of the choir somehow gave him the ____ to try

(1) Cent, per cent, century, centennial; (2) centenary, centime, centurion, centimeter, centigrade.

Project Gutenberg
The Century Vocabulary Builder from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.