[Footnote AJ: Rivet, Hist. Litt. de la France, tom. vii. p. 1. et seq.]
[Footnote AK: Mem. des Inscrip. tom. xxiv. p. 594.]
[Footnote AL: Bullet, Mem. de la Langue Celtique, tom. i. p. 23.]
[Footnote AM: Mem. des Inscrip. tom. xxiv. p. 603.]
[Footnote AN: Mem. des. Inscrip. tom. xv. p. 575. et seq.]
[Footnote AO: Praef. Gloss. n. xiii.]
[Footnote AP: Du Chesne, Hist. Franc. tom. ii. p. 374.]
[Footnote AQ: No. I.]
[Footnote AR: Eloq. Ital. p. 44.]
[Footnote AS: Fidei commissa quocunque Sermone relinqui possunt, non solum Latino vel Graeco, sed etiam Punico vel Gallicano. Digest. l. xxii. tit. 1. sec. 11.
Tu autem vel Celtice, vel si mavis Gallice,
loquere. Sulp. Sev.
Dial, i, sec. 6. sub sin.]
[Footnote AT: Gallia Causidicos docuit facunda Britannos. Juv. Sat. xv. 111.]
[Footnote AU: William of Malmsb. l. ii. c. 4.]
[Footnote AV: Ingulph. passim. Du Chesne, tom. iii.]
[Footnote AW: Mem. des Inscrip. tom. xvii. p. 179.]
[Footnote AX: Wilkins, Leges Anglo-Sax.]
[Footnote AY: Append. No, II.]
[Footnote AZ: Praef. Gloss, n. xxi.]
[Footnote BA: Fontanini, p. 4.]
[Footnote BB: Speron. Dial, passim.—Conf. Menage, Orig. della Ling Ital. voce Romanza.]
[Footnote BC: Font. p. 17.]
[Footnote BD: Murat. Scrip. Ital. tom. v. p. 255.]
[Footnote BE: Ibid. tom. vii. p. 322.]
[Footnote BF: Lib. iii.]
[Footnote BG: Mabil. an. l. 64, n. 124.]
[Footnote BH: Orozco, Tes. Castill. voce Romance—Conf. Crescimb. Volg. Poes. l. v. c. 1.]
[Footnote BI: Act. Ben. Saec. 3. p. 2. p. 258.]
[Footnote BJ: Raym. Montanero Chronica de Juan I.]
[Footnote BK: Huet, Orig. des Rom. p. 126. ed. 1678.]
[Footnote BL: P. 43, 44.]
[Footnote BM: Hist. Litt. de la Fr. tom. vii. p. 22.]
[Footnote BN: The word Ecclesia being more modern in the Latin tongue than Basilica, the Romansh word Baselga derived from the latter is an additional proof of the antiquity of this language.]