Discourses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 325 pages of information about Discourses.

Discourses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 325 pages of information about Discourses.

Redi did not trouble himself much with speculative considerations, but attacked particular cases of what was supposed to be “spontaneous generation” experimentally.  Here are dead animals, or pieces of meat, says he; I expose them to the air in hot weather, and in a few days they swarm with maggots.  You tell me that these are generated in the dead flesh; but if I put similar bodies, while quite fresh, into a jar, and tie some fine gauze over the top of the jar, not a maggot makes its appearance, while the dead substances, nevertheless, putrefy just in the same way as before.  It is obvious, therefore, that the maggots are not generated by the corruption of the meat; and that the cause of their formation must be a something which is kept away by gauze.  But gauze will not keep away aeriform bodies, or fluids.  This something must, therefore, exist in the form of solid particles too big to get through the gauze.  Nor is one long left in doubt what these solid particles are; for the blowflies, attracted by the odour of the meat, swarm round the vessel, and, urged by a powerful but in this case misleading instinct, lay eggs out of which maggots are immediately hatched, upon the gauze.  The conclusion, therefore, is unavoidable; the maggots are not generated by the meat, but the eggs which give rise to them are brought through the air by the flies.

These experiments seem almost childishly simple, and one wonders how it was that no one ever thought of them before.  Simple as they are, however, they are worthy of the most careful study, for every piece of experimental work since done, in regard to this subject, has been shaped upon the model furnished by the Italian philosopher.  As the results of his experiments were the same, however varied the nature of the materials he used, it is not wonderful that there arose in Redi’s mind a presumption, that, in all such cases of the seeming production of life from dead matter, the real explanation was the introduction of living germs from without into that dead matter.[4] And thus the hypothesis that living matter always arises by the agency of pre-existing living matter, took definite shape; and had, henceforward, a right to be considered and a claim to be refuted, in each particular case, before the production of living matter in any other way could be admitted by careful reasoners.  It will be necessary for me to refer to this hypothesis so frequently, that, to save circumlocution, I shall call it the hypothesis of Biogenesis; and I shall term the contrary doctrine—­that living matter may be produced by not living matter—­the hypothesis of Abiogenesis.

Project Gutenberg
Discourses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.